



好的习惯让自己独自享受成功的同时,也会与同学们一起分享着充实和快乐,那就不回觉得学习是枯乏的。下面给大家分享一些关于高 一年级英语 试卷试题答案,希望对大家有所帮助。


Ⅱ. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满


21. In face of _______ failure, it is most important to keep up _____ good state of mind.

A. a; 不填 B. 不填; a C. the; 不填 D. 不填; the

【解析】选B。 failure作“失败”讲时为不可数名词,前面不加冠词。keep up a good state of mind 固定 短语 “保持好的心态”。

22._______ the most important thing in your life?

A. Do you think what is B. What do you think is

C. What is your think D. What is do you think

【解析】选B。句意为:你认为在你一生中最重要的事情是什么?do you think为插入语,常放在特殊疑问词之后。

23. As we all know, NBA _____ National Basketball Association.

A. is short of B. in short

C. for short D. is short for

【解析】选D。句意为:众所周知,NBA是美国 篮球 联盟的缩写。be short for……的缩写,为固定短语。be short of 缺少……;in short 总之,简言之;for short简称(作状语,放句末)。

24. —You can ask Thomson for help; he is the president of that school.

—It’s said that he is _______ the president and can’t help me _______ . [2010晋中高一检测]

A. no longer; any more B. not any longer; no more

C. no longer; no more D. no more; no longer

【解析】选A。答语句意为:据说他已经不是校长了,再也不能帮助我了。no longer/not. . . any longer 表示时间上不再……;no more/not. . . any more表示次数上不再……。

25. The boy _____ forward to _______ a new bike.

A. referred to look; buying

B. referred to looking; buy

C. referred to is looking; buying

D. referring to look; buy

【解析】选C。本题中referred to为过去分词作定语,表被动,“被谈到的男孩”, is looking forward to为谓语,look forward to后接doing,故选C。

In his speech he ______ to the great help our country received from the supporters of the world.

A. referredB. mentioned

C. expressed D. offered

【解析】选A。句意:在讲话中,他提到了世界各地的支持者们对我们国家的巨大帮助。refer to表示“提到,谈到”,符合句意。mention作“提到”解时,其后直接跟宾语;express表示“表达”;offer表示“提供”。

26. From the _______ smile on his face, the result of the experiment must be _________ .

A. satisfying;satisfying B. satisfied;satisfied

C. satisfying;satisfied D. satisfied;satisfying


27. I’m wondering how ______ with such a person like that.

A. to deal B. dealing C. deal D. dealt

【解析】选A。此题考查 “疑问词+to do”结构。在本句中作wonder的宾语。

28. —Would she mind playing against her former teammates?

—_______ She is willing to play against any tough players.


A. I think so. B. I’m not surprised.

C. Of course. D. Not likely!


29. —Your ticket is_______. It’s a month old.


A.out of order B.out of date

C.out of sight D.in order

【解析】选B。句意为:——你的票过期了,它已经一个月了。——噢,对不起。out of date过期;out of order秩序混乱;out of sight看不见;in order秩序良好。

30. I ______ in London for many years,but I’ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.


A.lived B.was living

C.have lived D.had lived


31. I think David, ______ you, ________ to blame.

A. rather than; is B. rather; are

C. more than; are D. less than; is

【解析】选A。 根据句意“戴维而不是你该受责备”。rather than而不是。从句的主语为David, 故谓语动词用is。

32. Every means _______ prevent the water from ______ .

A. are used to; polluting

B. will be used to; polluting

C. is used to; polluted

D. is used to; being polluted

【解析】选D。means “方式, 方法 ”单复数同形。prevent. . . from doing sth. “阻止……做……”。

33. It’s going to rain. Xiao Feng, will you please help me ______ the clothes on the line?

A. get off B. get back C. get in D. get on

【解析】选C。考查动词短语。get off 下来,下车; get back 回来,返回;get in进入,到达,收获,带进;get on 相处,进展。句意为:马上要下雨了。小峰,你能帮我把绳子上的衣服收回来吗?

34. His first book _______ next month is based on a true story.

A. published B. to be published

C. to publish D. being published

【解析】选B。句意为:他的第一本以真实 故事 为基础的书下个月出版。next month表示将来的时间状语,所以用不定式作定语。

35. Stand at the top of the mountain, and then you’ll get a better _______ of the town.

A. sight B. view C. scene D. scenery

【解析】选B。考查名词辨析。view在此处意为“风景,景象”,侧重指从高处、远处所看到的景象。Ⅲ. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

A year ago I paid no attention to English idioms, 36 my teacher said again and again that it was important.

One day, I happened to 37 an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to 38 . As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner shook his head, saying, “You don’t say! You don’t say! ” I was 39 , I thought, perhaps this is not a 40 topic. Well, I’d 41 change the topic. So I said to him, “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall. 42

the way, have you ever 43 there? ”“Certainly, everyone back home will 44 me if I leave China without seeing 45 . It was great. ” I said, “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. It is a place of 46 . ” Soon I was interrupted again by his words, “ 47 ! ” I couldn’t 48 asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it? ” “Well, I didn’t ask you to do 49 , ” he answered, gently surprised.

I said, “Didn’t you say ‘You don’t say’? ”

Hearing this, the Englishman 50 to tears. He began to 51 , “‘You don’t say’ actually means ‘really? ’. It is an 52 of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention 53 English idioms. ”

Then I knew I had made fool of 54 . Since then I have been more 55 with idioms.

36. A. though B. when C. if D. as


37. A. look B. meet C. pick up D. find out

【解析】选B。我在路上碰巧遇见一个英国人。pick up 捡起,拾起;find out 查清楚,弄清楚。

38. A. walk B. talk C. play D. go


39. A. pleased B. angry C. afraid D. surprised

【解析】选D。 当外国人说“You don’t say”时,我理解的是“你不能说”,我很吃惊。所以应选D。

40. A. proper B. strange C. safe D. polite

【解析】选A。proper 合适的,适当的。作者认为这是一个不合适的话题,所以应选A。

41. A. to B. better C. not D. like

【解析】选B。had better do sth. 做……。作者认为应该换一个话题,所以应用had better,选B。

42. A. On B. In C. All D. By

【解析】选D。by the way 是固定搭配,顺便说一下。

43. A. gone B. visited C. seen D. been

【解析】选D。你曾经去过那儿吗?have been to some place去过某地。

44. A. look at B. think of C. send for D. laugh at

【解析】选D。 laugh at 嘲笑; think of 考虑; send for 派人去接; look at 看一看。去了中国而未去过长城,会被人嘲笑,所以应选D。

45. A. it B. them C. anything D. something


46. A. fun B. interest C. business D. mountain

【解析】选B。place of interest 名胜古迹。属固定搭配,所以应选B。

47. A. Really B. Good

C. You don’ t say D. You are right

【解析】选C。 外国人一开始说“You don’t say”。在这里再次强调,所以应选C。

48. A. be B. help C. think D. do

【解析】选B。couldn’t help doing 禁不住做某事。作者感到很奇怪,所以禁不住要问。

49. A. this B. so C. anything D. me a favor

【解析】选B。我并没有让你那样做。do so 那样做。

50. A. laughed B. cried C. moved D. came


51. A. explain B. shout C. prove D. say

【解析】选A。他开始解释You don’t say的意思,所以应选A。explain“解释”;prove“证明,证实”。

52. A. experience B. expression

C. explanation D. example

【解析】选B。experience 经验 ;expression 表达;explanation 解释; example 例子。句意为:这是表示吃惊的一种表达方式,所以应选B。

53. A. for B. to C. at D. in

【解析】选B。pay attention to 注意。属于固定搭配,句意为“你没有注意到英语习语”。

54. A. me B. myself C. him D. somebody

【解析】选B。make fool of sb. 愚弄某人。作者没有听懂外国人说话的意思,所以感觉愚弄了自己。

55. A. helpful B. popular C. careful D. satisfied

【解析】选C。对于习语用法更加小心。be careful with. . . 对……小心,细心。be popular with“受……的欢迎”;be satisfied with“对……满意”。


It was Monday. Mrs. Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way, Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it “Give my dog half a pound of meat. ” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently, “Take this to the butcher, and he’s going to give you your lunch today. ”

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher’s. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time,

the butcher did not take a look at the paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers(顾客).

But, the dog came again at four o’clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher’s more surprise, it came for the third time at six o’clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today? ”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

56. The little dog went to the butcher’s _____ altogether during the two days.

A. three times B. four times

C. five times D. six times


57. The butcher did not give any meat to the dog ________ .

A. before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs. Smith on Monday

B. when he found that the words on the paper were not clear

C. because he had sold out all the meat in his shop

D. until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith

【解析】选A。 细节理解题。根据第三段The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. 可知屠夫认出史密斯太太的字。

58. From the story, we can know that the dog was very _____ .

A. kind B. clever C. honest D. foolish


59. At the end of the story, you’ll find that ________ .

A. the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B. the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more

C. the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

D. the butcher found himself cheated(欺骗) by the dog



Celebrations spread across China when Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl (东方明珠), was given the right to host the 2010 World Expo(世博会)on December 3.

Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals(对手) from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea.

“I’m very proud of being Chinese, ”said Wang Kaibo, a Senior 2 student of the Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Medical University. “The winning of the expo is a victory, not only for Shanghai residents, but for the people of the whole Chinese nation. ”

Bidding(申办) for the expo shows that China is more confident of playing a more important role on the international stage. It’s competing for large events(事件) and the next one could be the World Cup, Wang said.

The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics will become the twin shining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years, said experts.

The World Expo is known as “Olympics of the economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields. ”It is usually held every five years and lasts for six months.

The Olympics, World Cup and World Expo are considered three top international events in the world.

China is the first developing country to win the expo bid in the event’s 151-year history.

Not only will it attract more foreign investment(投资) to China, but also experts say that the half-year-long exhibition will bring at least 70 million visitors to Shanghai.

The World Expo is a great event for different countries to exchange social, economic, cultural and scientific achievements, and also help to encourage new technology and ideas.

The expo was first held in London in 1851. It has a history of global influence.

The Eiffel Tower, built during the Paris World Expo in 1889, became the symbol(象征) of the French capital.

Many historic inventions, such as the telephone and airplane, all made their first appearance at a World Expo.


60. What does the underlined word “rivals” probably mean in the second paragraph?

A. competitors B. enemies

C. players D. supporters

【解析】选A。词义猜测题。rivals 所在的 句子 Shanghai won the honor after beating rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea. 的意思是:在打败了来自俄国、墨西哥、波兰、韩国的竞争对手后,上海获此殊荣。由句意可知选A。competitors表示“比赛者,竞争者”。

61. The winning of bidding for the World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Olympic Games implies ________ .

A. China is beginning to play a more important part on the international stage

B. China has played the most important role in the international affairs

C. China has become a developed country ever since 2010

D. China is the first Asian country to win the expo bid in history

【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据第四段的Bidding for the expo shows that China is more confident of playing a more important role on the international stage. 可知。

62. As we know, in general, the World Expo is usually held every _____ years, while the Summer Olympics is usually held every _____ years.

A. 4; 5 B. 5; 4 C. 4; 4 D. 5; 5


63. By bidding for the expo and the Olympics, we are sure that ______ .

A. China will beat rivals from Russia, Mexico, Poland and South Korea

B. China will become a super country in the United Nations

C. China will build a famous tower like Eiffel Tower as the symbol of the capital

D. China will develop more quickly than before and will benefit a lot from them

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第五段The World Expo 2010 and the 2008 Beijing Olympics will become the twin shining stars of China’s development over the next 10 years, said experts. 以及第十段The World Expo is a great event for different countries to exchange social, economic, cultural and scientific achievements, and also help to encourage new technology and ideas. 可知。


Pleasant Goat, Lazy Goat, Beautiful Goat and Slow Goat,

which one is your favorite? The second movie of the Chinese cartoon series of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf again achieved noticeable box office takings in China, earning more than 40 million yuan merely three days after its debut(首次推出).

Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf is no doubt the most successful “China Made” cartoon series recently. It is shown on TV almost every day and its core (主要的)products can be seen almost in every child’s goods store. It is the Chinese Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

The cartoon series is not only welcomed by children, but is also often discussed among adult audiences. Pleasant Goat is appreciated for his courage and wisdom, while Big Big Wolf is considered a model husband though he is usually the bad guy in the story, always trying to catch goats for his wife, Big Red Wolf.

In the year of tiger, 2010, what will happen to the goats’ homeland and the wolves’ castle? Will Pleasant Goat break the plot of Big Big Wolf again? And will Big Big Wolf finally take his revenge as he always says when got foiled(挫败) by Pleasant Goat? Going to see the movie and laughing cheerfully among kids may be a good idea to start a brand new year.


64. Pleasant Goat is liked because of his ________ .

A. beauty and friendliness B. kindness and courage

C. courage and wisdom D. beauty and wisdom

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第三段的Pleasant Goat is appreciated for his courage and wisdom. . . 可知。

65. Big Big Wolf is _______ to his wife and ______ to goats.

A. bad; bad B. good; bad

C. devoted; friendly D. bad; good

【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第三段的Big Big Wolf is considered a model husband though he is usually the bad guy in the story可知。

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11-15 BAABC 16-20AACBC 21-25 ADACD 26-30 CDDCA

31-35 CBADB 36-40DFBEG

41-45 BACCD 46-50ADBCA 51-55 CBDAC 56-60 BDBAC

61. who 62. valuable

63. invention 64. that

65. was created 66.including

67. less expensive 68. easily

69. that 70.a


71. I am 16-year-old ... am后加a

72. ... especial country music.

especial → especially

73. ... also interesting in ...

interesting → interested

74. ... allows I to ... I → me

75. ... at communicate with ...

communicate → communicating

76. ... ready to helping ... helping → help

77. Whenever I was free was → am

78. ... go to outside ... 去掉to

79. ... all the nation ... nation→ nations

80. ... but lead a ... but→ and

One possible version:

In the picture, we can see a man lyingunder the tree with his working tools beside him, imagining a rabbit will runinto the tree.

This is a famous story from an ancientChinese idiom. A farmer once happened to find a dead rabbit which had run intothe tree by his field. He was happy to get it and hoped this would happen toanother rabbit. Therefore, he stopped working and waited under the tree fromthat day on. However, nothing happened and his farm work was delayed.

No pains, no gains. If we want to get whatwe want, we should make efforts to achieve it.



A篇 (日常活动)


21. A。推理判断题。根据第二段中的a truly wonderful job,have the little ones laughing,greatly attracted the ‘grown ups’和how good he was可推测,Lizzie表达的是快乐的情感。

22. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的a fantastic night on Friday. The children enjoyed themselves,filled with exciting talks aboutlast Friday night和Thanks againfor the party可知,Lavant学校的学生在上周五举办了一个非常棒的派对。

23. A。推理判断题。根据文中的love his shows,wherever he performs,Nick have the little ones laughing,say thank you for the excellent children's party和Thank you for a fantastic night等信息可知,Nick给大家特别是孩子带去欢乐,因此是一名喜剧表演者。

B篇 (文娱)


24. C。细节理解题。根据第二段中的NDI ... helping thousands of children可知,已经有成千上万的孩子参加NDI机构的舞蹈课程。

25. D。推理判断题。根据第四段中的I'd like to see other young people ...have the arts in their life,using dance as a window可知,d'Amboise在舞蹈改变了他自己后认识到表演艺术对于其他孩子的重要性,因此才创建了NDI这个机构。

26. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的Ice hockey players ... learn to compete as a single person and as ateam,they developskills and unity和The same istrue for dancers可知,d'Amboise将舞蹈和冰球相比是为了说明舞蹈和冰球一样,不仅需要个人技能的发展也需要团队合作精神。

27. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中Jonathan说的dancing also requires great effort和Work hard ... and you'll make it可知,他认为只要努力付出,人们就可以在舞蹈上有所成就。

C篇 (节假日活动)


28. D。词义猜测题。根据划线部分后的After hanging a basket ... we rang the doorbell and ran away和secret givers可知,anonymous的意思应该是“匿名的”。

29. C。细节理解题。根据第三段首句Historically, the first day of May, often referred to as “May Day,” has been recognized as acelebration of spring, of life and growth可知,五朔节是庆祝春天到来的节日。

30. A。推理判断题。根据第四段中的write a note thanking your friend or neighbor for their kindness,their presence, and their love和第五段中的thanking a nurse可知,在作者看来,五朔节是一个很好的表达感激的机会。

31. C。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了庆祝五朔节的一些方式。故选C项。

D篇 (艺术)


32. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的Each year in Toronto thousands of school children和These children work directly withprofessional artists on different art programs可知,每年都有成千上万的学生参加多伦多的艺术项目。

33. A。推理判断题。根据第三段中Natalie McHaffie说的My purpose is to teach the children about design和they can use that knowledge forother things they may want to do可知,McHaffie主要想教学生如何设计,并且希望他们将这一知识运用到其它领域。由此可推测,她认为如何设计很重要,因此也希望孩子们理解设计的重要性。

34. D。细节理解题。根据第四段中的16 children at St. Bernard School to create a wall painting可知,这16名学生的任务是创作一幅壁画。

35. B。推理判断题。根据最后四段中的You learn more when you do it yourself,I like working in a group,It's been fun working in a group和You can learn from working with the other kids可知,这四名学生都从这次的工作中受益匪浅。




36. D。根据下一句It keeps the inner coat of soft fur warm and dry可知,D项“外面的皮毛垂到地面”符合语境。D项中的outer coat与下一句中的inner coat相呼应。

37. F。根据该空前的changes its coat to match the season和该空后的In winter it grows white fur to match the snow可知,雪兔的皮毛为了和不同的季节保持协调而发生变化,因此F项介绍雪兔的皮毛在夏天时的情况符合语境。F项中的In summer和下一句中的In winter形成对比。

38. B。根据该空后的an extra layer under its fur coat too可知,B项“你在外套里面穿毛衣吗?”符合语境。B项中的a sweaterunder your coat与下一句中的an extralayer under its fur coat相呼应。

39. E。根据该空前的it adds something可知,北极狐的尾巴还可当作围巾使用,包裹鼻子和脸。故选E项。

40. G。根据该空前的A polar bear's big feet act like snowshoes可知,北极熊宽大的脚可以分摊自身的重量并且保证它们在雪上轻松行走。故选G项。




41. B。根据下文中的But soon I realized that可知,作者“一开始(At first)”觉得Trisha是在结交新朋友,可以接受。

42. A。根据上一句中的Trisha wasn't interested in me anymore可知,作者的好朋友不再对她感兴趣,因此作者“失去了(lost)”这个好朋友。

43. C。作者告诉Trisha,既然她们已经不再是朋友,因此也应该“不再继续(stop)”假装是朋友。

44. C。根据该段接下来描述的事实可知,尽管作者不是有意要激怒Trisha,“但是(but)”Trisha却很生气。

45. D。根据该空前的Trisha started talking about me behind my back可知,Trisha开始在作者背后说三道四,告诉其他人她“不好(bad)”。

46. A。根据下一句中的she was taking them away from me可知,作者和Trisha共同的朋友开始“支持(sided)”Trisha。

47. D。根据该段接下来叙述作者的所作所为可知,作者越想“越生气(angrier)”。

48. B。根据该空后的drew lines on her face可知,作者 “拿起(took up)”Trisha的一张照片。

49. C。根据上文描述作者和Trisha之间发生的事情可知,作者“恨(hate)”Trisha。

50. A。根据作者在最后一段的悔恨可知,她做了一件让她永远“后悔(regret)”的事情。

51. C。根据下一句中的I thought people would see it可知,作者将照片发到了一个“受欢迎的(popular)”网站。

52. B。根据上一段中的a picture of Trisha可知,Trisha的妈妈在网上看到那张“照片(picture)”。

53. D。根据该空后的Lots of people had seen it可知,一切已经“为时已晚(late)”。

54. A。根据该段的介绍可知,Trisha的妈妈看到了网上的照片并且告知了作者的妈妈,而且已经有许多人看到了照片,因此作者深陷“麻烦(trouble)”之中。

55. C。意识到了事情的严重性,作者那天感到很“糟糕(terrible)”。

56. B。根据转折连词but可知,Trisha虽然口头上说接受作者的道歉,然而作者觉得Trisha“仍然(still)”还在生她的气。

57. D。根据接下来作者的悔悟可知,将照片传到网上是作者做过的最坏的“决定(decisions)”。

58. B。联系全文可知,作者觉得她本可以以一种更好的方式来处理自己的“情感(feelings)”。

59. A。60. C。作者现在意识到如果她直接告诉Trisha她很“想念(missed)”她,那么事情可能就“不是这样的了(differently)”。


61. who。考查连接词。设空处引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,又由句意“谁发明了计算机”可知,在此填who。

62. valuable。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语,修饰machine,故填形容词valuable。

63. invention。考查名词。设空处作宾语且前面有the first important修饰,故填invention(发明)。

64. that。考查关系词。设空处引导限制性定语从句修饰先行词computer,且computer被序数词first修饰,同时设空处在从句中作主语,故填that。

65. was created。考查一般过去时的被动语态。It(指代Electronic Delay StorageAutomatic Calculator)与create之间是被动关系,且create表示的动作发生在过去,故填was created。

66. including。考查介词。Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniak与inventors之间是所属关系,故填including(包括……在内)。

67. less expensive。考查形容词的比较级。由than可知,设空处应用比较级,且由句意“随着制造变得没以前费用大,拥有计算机也变得普遍了”可知,在此应填less expensive。

68. easily。考查副词。设空处修饰谓语, 故填副词easily。

69. that。考查固定结构。There is no doubt that ... 意为“毫无疑问”。

70. a。考查不定冠词。As a matter of fact意为“事实上”。



I. 1-5 CABCD


11-15 DBCAA 16-20 DDBBC





1. C。标题归纳题。文章是一则新闻报道,第二段中的program iPhone gaming apps ... to raise money for African orphans点明了文章的主旨。故C项作标题贴切。

2. A。细节理解题。根据第一个问答的内容可知,Suraya去了乌干达的一家孤儿院,在那里的亲身感受促使她想要帮助这些孩子。

3. B。推理判断题。根据第二个问答中的But I didn't want them to just sit on the App Store as stupid games和I thought of connecting each one toa kid at the orphanage I worked at可知,Suraya不想让游戏软件仅限于游戏,她想通过软件来帮助孤儿院的孩子。由此可推测,她希望这些软件除了游戏之外还能有更多的用处。

4. C。词义猜测题。根据划线部分前的The first ones were free可知,Suraya因为想在一开始让事情顺利运转起来,所以才将一些游戏软件设定成免费。

5. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的I can see it being pretty big以及接下来Suraya希望更多的人参与其中可知,她对Rizikitoto的未来充满信心,认为其前景乐观。




1. A。根据本句中的because of the huge amount of work可知,很多上班族“抽不出(cannot afford)”时间去上全日制大学。

2. D。根据该空前的stay-at-home moms who have many duties可知,呆在家里的妈妈们由于家务繁忙也不能“上(join)”普通大学。

3. B。上文提到两类特殊人群working professionals和stay-at-home moms选择网校,此处笔锋一转,指“即便(even)”是regularstudents也选择去网校上课。

4. A。根据该空前的regular students可知,普通学生有“时间(time)”上全日制大学。

5. C。根据上文中的online schools可知,普通学生也选择“网络(online)”教育。

6. D。上文中的Online schools are becoming very popular today和online schools are much enjoyed byall与该空后的there areboth advantages and disadvantages of online schooling形成对比,故填However。

7. C。根据上文中的advantages and disadvantages和该空后的positives可知,作者先“开始(start)”谈网校的好处。

8. C。根据下一句You don't have to spend in buying books or traveling可知,网校“花费(cost)”较少。

9. A。根据下文中的You can study at any time during the day. You can study wherever ...可知,网校的另一个优势在于它所“提供(provides)”的灵活性。

10. B。根据该空后的in your house, at a cafe or even in a park可知,你可以在任何你“想(want)”学习的地方学习。

11. D。上一段介绍了网校的好处,根据该空后的disadvantages可知,作者开始“改谈(move on to)”网校的弊端。

12. B。根据该空前的always need a push from their teachers to do well可知,这些需要老师督促的学生不太“可能(likely)”在网校表现得很好。

13. C。本段主要介绍网校的弊端,再根据接下来讲的雇主对于网校文凭的不同看法可知,这是网校的另一个“问题(problem)”。

14. A。根据下一句中的They feel that students who go to full-time colleges are moreknowledgeable可知,很多雇主“更青睐(prefer)”全日制大学毕业的学生。

15. A。该空前的students who go to full-time colleges和该空后的those who have online degrees是对比关系,故填compared to。

16. D。上文谈的弊端主要涉及雇主,因此此处指教育的真正目的是让接受教育的人得到一份好“工作(job)”。

17. D。根据上文的介绍可知,相比网校毕业的学生而言,很多雇主更愿意雇用全日制大学毕业的学生,因此,网校很多时候也就没有“达到(serve)”让毕业生找到一份好工作的目的。

18. B。第二段谈到网校的优势之一是其灵活性,再根据该空后的offer the kind of freedom which no regular college can provide可知,网校提供的自由是“毋庸置疑(no doubt)”的。

19. B。根据上一段中描述雇主对待网校文凭的态度可知,雇主“重视(value)”这类文凭的程度因人而异。

20. C。作者在上文分别论述了网校的利弊,最后得出结论:online schools are good for some, while others should give them amiss。由此可知,这个说法比较“恰当(rightly)”。







11-15 AACCB 16-20AABAC

21-25 BDCCD 26-30 BBDBA

31-35 CDCAB 36-40FDACB

41-45 BAACD 46-50BDACB

51-55 DACBD 56-60ACCBD

61. them 62.travelling

63. amazing 64.most interesting

65. that 66.swam

67. with 68. to return

69. finally 70.whom


71. ... since I enter ... enter → entered

72. ... strict at us ... at→ with

73. ... very interested.

interested→ interesting

74. Beside, I have ... Beside → Besides

75. ... made up many ... 去掉up

76. ... of my classmate ...

classmate→ classmates

77. ... help me a lot. help → helps

78. ... with myself easy ... easy → easily

79. ... when I caught ... I后加am或get

80. ... to hear from ... hear → hearing

One possible version:

Dear Mr. Smith,

I'm terribly sorry that I can't go to yourhome to help Mary with her Chinese this weekend, because my grandfather is illand I'll have to look after him. I hope you understand.

Can I suggest that we put it off until nextSunday? Please call me if possible. Besides, please tell Mary to write apassage about her recent school life and I'll check it with her the next time Igo to your home.

Please forgive me for my not being able tocome. I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua



A篇 (个人情况)


21. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的As Lizzie talked more about her life ...Katy Olson, from Iowa, beganto take notice和第二段中Katy所说的It fits together with a lot offacts that I knew可知,当Lizzie在作自我介绍的时候,Katy意识到她可能就是自己的孪生姐姐,故选B项。

22. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的Leslie Parker, who had given them up for adoption 30 years ago可知,Katy和她的孪生姐姐在30年前分别被他人收养了,故选D项。

23. C。标题归纳题。文章主要讲述了一对双胞胎姐妹多年后在写作课上不期而遇的故事,所以用C项作为标题最恰当。

B篇 (地理)


24. C。细节理解题。由The Wizarding World of Harry Potter一节中的Go to Hogwarts, the wizardry school of the novel written by J. K.Rowling和Address: Orlando, FL 32819 US可知,应选C项。

25. D。细节理解题。由SeaWorld一节中的SeaWorld's latest addition, Turtle Trek, is a 3-D movie thatattracts a lot of guests可知,D项为正确答案。

26. B。细节理解题。由SeaWorld一节中的This theme park may be best known for its live show featuring thesharks和Gatorland一节中的Live gator shows可知,这两个地方都提供动物现场表演节目,故选B项。

27. B。推理判断题。本文主要介绍了美国佛罗里达州的四个旅游景点,所以应该是选自旅游杂志,故选B 项。

C篇 (旅游)


28. D。细节理解题。由第二段中Sarah对Kip所说的话Cassie's not coming ... you'rebig enough to drive away wild animals可知,Sarah刚开始认为Cassie太小了无法保护她,故选D项。

29. B。词义猜测题。由第三段中的“Are those native ruins up there?” she wondered可知,她在想:“那会不会是土著人的遗迹呢?”所以这块巨石引起了Sarah的兴趣,故选B项。

30. A。推理判断题。由第三段中的Kip trembled at Sarah's side可知,Sarah本以为Kip可以保护自己,但Kip在危急时刻却害怕得瑟瑟发抖。

31. C。推理判断题。Cassie虽然是一只小狗,但是它赶跑美洲豹的表现让Sarah对其刮目相看,故选C项。

D篇 (自然)


32. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的They belong to the group of animals called primates, along with ...humans可知,狐猴与人类一样都是灵长目动物,故选D项。

33. C。段落大意题。第三段主要对狐猴的脸部、身体和尾巴等部位进行了介绍,都是同外表相关的,故选C项。

34. A。细节理解题。由第四段中的Most kinds ... sleep during the day可知,多数狐猴在白天睡觉,处于静止状态,故选A项。

35. B。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Before the arrival of humans ... lemurs were found all across theislands可知,狐猴比人类更早到达马达加斯加岛,故选B项。



本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了著名女演员Nicole Kidman。

36. F。由该空后的Then Kidman grew up in ... Australia可知,后来Kidman回到了澳大利亚,故选F项。

37. D。由该空后的Her first experience came when she was 6 years old和She trained ... through her teenyears可知,Kidman从小就对表演产生了兴趣,故选D项。

38. A。由第一段中的Nicole Kidman was born ... in 1967和该空前的In 1985, the Australian Film Institute ... Vietnam可知,那一年她才18岁,故选A项。

39. C。由该空后的On Christmas Eve, 1990, Kidman and Cruise got married可知,C项内容符合此处语境。

40. B。由该空后的Kidman and Cruise ended their marriage in 2001可知,他们的婚姻没有持续下去,故选B项。




41. B。由下文的pick up rubbish可知,教练让我们去捡垃圾,故填cleaning。

42. A。由下文的we had signed up for soccer, not rubbish pickup可知,我们中的一些人觉得这不“公平(fair)”。

43. A。“毕竟(After all)”,我们是签约来踢足球的而不是捡垃圾。

44. C。由该空后的Coach Simms passed out rubber gloves and rubbish bags可知,当我们“到达(arrived)”后,Simms教练给大家分发了橡胶手套和垃圾袋。

45. D。由该空前的whose job was about the study of ocean life可知,Dr. Torrez “感谢(thanked)”我们来帮忙。

46. B。由该空后的It said that ... the world's oceans可知,Dr. Torrez给了我们一本“书(book)”。

47. D。由该空前的It said that ... the world's oceans可知,每年有140亿磅垃圾被倒入海洋中,这非常令人“担忧(worrying)”。

48. A。由该空前的a plastic six-pack ring from soda cans可知,鱼和海狮很容易被塑料提手“卡住(stuck)”。

49. C。由在海滩上捡垃圾这一故事背景可知,Dr. Torrez向我们“展示(showed)”了一根很长的钓鱼线。

50. B。由该空前的Sea life can get caught in this可知,钓鱼线又细又结实,海洋动物如果被卡住就可能会“死掉(die)”。

51. D。由该空后的when they eat rubbish可知,动物吃了垃圾会“生病(sick)”。

52. A。由该空前的eat可知,这里是说那些动物会误把垃圾当作“食物(food)”吃掉。

53. C。本文是讲述在海滩上捡垃圾,所以这里是说“我”不敢相信自己“找到(finding)”这么多垃圾。

54. B。根据上文介绍的垃圾对海洋动物的危害及下文对人的危害可知,在夏天到来前把所有垃圾清理掉是个不错的“主意(idea)”。

55. D。该空前后是因果关系,故填since。

56. A。由该空后的There were broken bottles that people ... their bare feet可知,这些垃圾散落在海滩上不但难看而且还很“危险(dangerous)”。

57. C。人们有可能会赤脚“踩上(step on)”碎玻璃瓶。

58. C。由下文的when we left可知,这里是说:“最终(Finally)”,我们队捡了25袋垃圾。

59. B。由上文的my soccer team filled twenty-five bags with rubbish可知,此时海滩看上去“好多了(better)”。

60. D。我们通过辛勤的劳动使海滩变得干净了,所以感到非常“自豪(proud)”。


61. them。考查代词。设空处作宾语,指代friends,故填them。

62. travelling。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。spend ... (in) doing sth. 意为“花费……做某事”。

63. amazing。考查形容词作定语的用法。设空处作定语修饰experiences,故填amazing。

64. most interesting。考查形容词的最高级。 由The及of oursailing可知,设空处应用interesting的最高级形式,故填most interesting。

65. that。考查连词。so ... that ... 意为“如此……以致于……”。

66. swam。考查一般过去时。由语境及One afternoon可知,设空处表示过去发生的动作,故填swam。

67. with。考查介词。share sth. with sb. 意为“与某人分享某物”。

68. to return。考查不定式作宾语的用法。 be willing to do sth. 意为“愿意做某事”。

69. finally。考查副词。设空处修饰整个句子,故填副词finally。

70. whom。考查关系词。from ... the real adventure是“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,修饰one(指人), 故填whom。



I. 1-5 CBABC


11-15 CDBDA 16-20 CABDC





1. C。细节理解题。由这三个人的回答可知,他们都花费很多时间上网,故选C项。

2. B。细节理解题。由第三段中的he finds TV simply took over where the Internet left off可知,在停止上网的前十天里,Eoin通过看电视的方式来娱乐,故选B项。

3. A。词义猜测题。由第二段中的three friends, who agreed to ... offline for a week和第四段中的her No. 1 form ofentertainment is socializing with friends online可知,Aoife不得不停止网上聊天,故选A项。

4. B。推理判断题。由第四段中的Lia found that she talked with people in person more和Adam found his school-related productivityincreased可知,Lia和Adam都发现了远离网络的好处,故选B项。

5. C。细节理解题。由最后一段内容可知,作者唯一的建议就是把纪录片开头25秒钟的内容稍作修改,以引起观众的注意,所以作者觉得这个纪录片需要改进,故选C项。




1. B。由首句The tiger is a dangerous animal可知,很多人“认为(think)”老虎总是喜欢吃人。

2. D。由该空后的Tigers ... do not usually attack humans可知,人们的这一认识是不“真实的(true)”。

3. C。那些“健康(healthy)”强壮的老虎通常不会袭击人类。下文的if a tiger is ill or injured是提示。

4. A。该空前后为转折关系,故填However。

5. B。由该空后的especially if they have guns可知,这里是说:人类对于老虎而言,常常意味着“麻烦(trouble)”。

6. C。由该空后的it can kill animals that are much bigger可知,老虎是“优秀的(excellent)”猎手。

7. D。由该空后的rhinos and elephants可知,这里是说:比老虎又大又“重(heavier)”的动物。

8. A。该空前后为因果关系,故填because。

9. B。由前后句内容可知,虽然老虎一晚上可以吃30公斤的肉,不过“庆幸的是(luckily)”,它们不是天天都需要这样一顿大餐。

10. A。由该空前的they don't need a big meal like this every day可知,每周一两次“足够(enough)”了。

11. C。因为“猎食(hunting)”并非易事,所以每周一两次的大餐对老虎来说已经算是一件好事了。

12. D。由该空后的it only kills its prey about one in every fifteen hunts可知,老虎并不是每次猎食的时候都会“杀生(kill)”。

13. B。该空后的内容是在进一步解释说明,故填In fact。

14. D。由该空前的Rhinos and elephants do not come near very often可知,老虎并非总能轻易接近犀牛和大象,所以“通常(usually)”还是捕食那些中等体型的动物。

15. A。由该空前的tigers have smaller meals和空后的insects以及fruit可知,应该填fish。

16. C。由该空前的They also eat grass and mud可知,老虎吃草和泥来“帮助(helps)”它们消化食物。

17. A。由上文的they can find better, tastier meals in the wild可知,老虎“更愿意(prefer)”生活在远离人类的大自然中。

18. B。由该空后的people now live too near the tigers' home in the wild可知,这是一大“问题(problem)”。

19. D。因为人类住得离老虎的栖息地非常近,所以对老虎来说,想要远离人类生活非常“困难(difficult)”。

20. C。由该空前的people now live too near the tigers' home in the wild可知,老虎的家园越来 “越小(smaller)”。

人教版高一上册英语必修一Unit 2检测试题及答案

往往一份好的英语考试卷的内容能够检测出学生们对自己的学习内容的掌握程度,你想要从中获取这方面的信息吗?以下是我整理的人教版高一上册英语必修一Unit 2检测试题,希望对你有用。

人教版高一上册英语必修一Unit 2检测试题


1.I’mwillingto________(帮助) youwheneverthereisanopportunity.

2.Therewasabitter________(疼痛) inhisstomach.


4.Isitpossibleto________(预知) whatwillhappen?

5.Hisparentsgivehimsomuchmoneythathe’sgotno________ (动机) togetajob.

6.Hesmokesuptoa________ (最大值) oftencigarettesaday.






ahead of,in a rush,at that point,communicate with,in company with,focus on,look back on,feel like























C.large D.mature













C.adapt D.allocate







7.Underthe________ofthepsychoanalyst (心理分析学者),thetimid (胆小的) boyseemstobemorecheerfulandoutgoing.














TheNorwegianGovernmentisdoingitsbesttokeeptheoilindustryundercontrol.Anewlawlimitsexplorationtoanareasouthofthesouthernendofthelongcoastline;productionlimitshavebeenlaiddown (thoughthesehavealreadybeenraised);andoilcompanieshavenotbeenallowedtoemploymorethanalimitednumberofforeignworkers.Buttheoilindustryhasawayofgettingoversuchproblems,andfewpeoplebelievethattheGovernmentwillbeabletoholdthingsbackforlong.AsaNorwegianpoliticiansaidlastweek,“We will soon be changed beyond all recognition.”





























人教版高一上册英语必修一Unit 2检测试题答案

Ⅰ.1.assist 2.ache 3.handy 4.predict 5.motivation 6.maximum 7.entertainment 8.hardship 9.mature 10.instant

Ⅱ.1.incompanywith 2.aheadof 3.communicatewith 4.feellike 5.lookbackon 6.atthatpoint 7.focuson 8.inarush

Ⅲ.1.sothatwecouldcatchthefirsttrain 2.is (to) haveagoodrest 3.waitingforus 4.longerthanthoseinwinter 5.willhavealreadyfinishedallthework

Ⅳ.1.D [句意为:当电影限于成人观众时,通常指适合十八岁以上的观众观看。mature成熟的,成年的。]

2.C [由后面的the old days可知过去的日子是回忆的。]

3.B [句意为:这个空调保用十年。空调的使用期限是“被保证的”,所以选B项。]

4.B [assist sb.in doing sth.帮助某人某事,为固定搭配;且主语为第三人称单数,故选B项。help sb.with/dosth.帮助某人做某事;aidsb.in/with/todosth.帮助某人某事;benefitsb.对……有益。]

5.A [句意为:莫妮卡是个能干的女孩。一天的时间里,她能比班上其他女孩子完成更多的工作。accomplish完成,符合题意。arrange安排;adapt适应;allocate分配。]

6.A [句意为:——我现在必须走了。——你为什么不留在这儿跟爱玛做伴呢?keep sb. company陪伴某人,与某人做伴,为固定搭配。]

7.A [句意为:在心理分析学者的指导下,那个胆小的男孩看起来高兴多了,也外向多了。under the guidance of在……的指导下,为固定搭配。help帮助;advice建议,意见;suggestion建议。]

8.B [句意为:排在我前面的男人穿着蓝色的夹克,他比我早到30分钟。我跟着他进入了大厅。ahead of在……的前面,既可指时间上的,也指空间上的。in the front of在……内部的前面;after在……之后;at the back of在……后面。]

9.D [句意为:我已经对你的理由感到厌倦了。这是你这个周第三次迟到了,你被开除了。be tired of对……感到厌倦,符合题意。be afraid of对……感到害怕;be fond of喜欢;be proud of对……感到自豪。]

10.A [instantly,the instant,as soon as均可引导时间状语从句,表示“一……


Ⅴ.1.B [B项意为:减慢发展速率。文章开始就阐明挪威政府正竭尽全力把石油工业控制起来,制定新法律来限制勘探开采,限制产量,限制雇用外国工人的人数等,故选B项。A.为外国工人提供更多的工作;C.卖掉正在国外生产的石油;D.比现在发展更快,文章均未涉及。]

2.D [D项意为:使石油工业保持在接近现在的规模,符合题意。A.鼓励石油公司去发现新石油资源;B.制止石油公司雇用来自挪威北方的人;C.帮助石油公司解决许多问题,文章均未涉及。]

3.C [C项意为:发展规划的失败。由第二段最后一句“可是石油工业已经开始把人们吸引到南方去,所以不出几年,整个北方政策可能成泡影。”可知选C项。A.工业发展;B.人口增长;D.新城市的发展,文章均未涉及。]

4.C [由第三段内容可推出现存工业数在减少,故选C项。A.大大减少失业;B.旅游行业增长;D.许多服务公司发展,文章均未涉及。]

看了人教版高一上册英语必修一Unit 2检测试题及答案的人还看:

1. 初中语文阅读试题及答案

2. 初中语文中考试卷

3. 2016中考语文模拟试题

4. 初一语文阅读理解试题及答案






11-15 BCAAC 16-20CBBCC 21-25 ADDAB 26-30 DCDCA

31-35 AADDB 36-40AFDEG

41-45 BACDB 46-50CADBC

51-55 ADBAC 56-60 BDBAD

61. an 62.that / which 63. had made 64. problems

65. were forced 66. waiting

67. me 68.tiring

69. To help 70. with


71. My sister usual ... usual → usually

72. ... gets to working ... working → work

73. ... she always drink ...

drink→ drinks

74. ... she eats at ... eats→ ate

75. ... for the lunch ... 去掉the

76. ... he always eats ... he → she

77. ... she prefers go ... prefers后加to

78. ... watch TV at home.

watch→ watching

79. Sometime she goes ...

Sometime→ Sometimes

80. ... her best friend. friend→ friends

One possible version:


A lecture will be held in the lecture hallof our school from 3:00 to 5:00 on the afternoon of September 23rd, 2016. Thelecture is about the differences and similarities between Chinese and Americaneducation and will be given by the famous American professor Steven who is nowteaching at Nankai University. Those who are interested in this subject will bewarmly welcome to attend the lecture. But please do remember to arrive there ontime. In addition, it is suggested that you take a notebook with you.

Student Union





21. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的the Lincoln Memorial ... the same place where civil rights leaderMartin Luther King gave his world-famous “I Have a Dream” speech可知A项为正确答案。

22. D。细节理解题。由第三段中的the White House, which has been the US president's official homesince 1800可知,白宫作为美国总统的官邸和办公室已经有二百多年了,故选D项。

23. D。细节理解题。由最后一段中的the Adams Morgan neighborhood ...there are a large number ofcolorful murals可知,在亚当斯·摩根社区有许多壁画,故选D项。



24. A。细节理解题。由该段中的a large number of people ... a fifth of all adults are tattooed和there are more than 50,000 tattoo artists in the US alone可知,作者通过这些数字旨在说明文身现在非常流行,故选A项。

25. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的Even famous people ... David Beckham have some kind of tattoo ontheir bodies可知,David Beckham也喜欢文身,故选B项。

26. D。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的The ancient Romans,NativeAmericans和Nazi Germany可知,文身这种行为已经有很久的历史了,故选D项。

27. C。推理判断题。由最后一段中的Not only has tattooing itself become a big industry, but removingthem is also on the increase可知,文身这个行业将会继续发展,故选C项。



28. D。细节理解题。由第一段中的Sonya and her family have been homeless since she was 3 years old可知,Sonya从小就跟着家人过着颠沛流离的生活,故选D项。

29. C。词义猜测题。由该段中的Sonya auditioned for a summer dance camp run by Alvin Alley, afamous dance company. She was accepted可知,能够被一家有名的舞蹈公司聘用是一件令人兴奋的事情,故选C项。

30. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Sonya learned she would have to go to summer school to graduate和最后一段中的Sonya made up the work that she had missed, and finally graduatedfrom high school可知,Sonya觉得自己必须得完成高中学业,去追求自己的梦想,故选A项。

31. A。主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了一个无家可归的女孩通过学习舞蹈找到了生活的希望,故选A项。


本文是记叙文。作者主要回忆了十一岁时在参加拼写比赛期间Miss Pemberton对自己的帮助。

32. A。细节理解题。由第二段中的The day before the classroom spelling bee, my youngest brother wasplaying with matches and accidentally set fire to our apartment可知,在班级拼写比赛的前一天,作者的小弟弟在家玩火柴时不小心引起了火灾,故选A项。

33. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的Miss Pemberton would pick me up, and we would go to her apartment,where she would help me practice by calling out spelling words可知,作者在Miss Pemberton家中进行练习,故选D项。

34. D。推理判断题。由第四段中的Miss Pemberton ... would help me practice by calling out spellingwords和Miss Pemberton wouldtake me to Rettig's ice cream shop, where we would enjoy a hot fudge sundae可知,为了迎接比赛,Miss Pemberton帮助作者进行练习而且还带作者去吃冰激凌,所以她是一位乐于助人而且十分慷慨的老师,故选D项。

35. B。标题归纳题。作者主要回忆了十一岁时在参加拼写比赛期间Miss Pemberton对自己的帮助,故选B项。




36. A。由该空后的Well, you must have been attacked by a mosquito可知,前面应该是在问“是什么干的?”故选A项。

37. F。由该空前的Nearly everyone has been attacked by mosquitoes可知,几乎每个人都被蚊子叮咬过,这是因为它们几乎无处不在,故选F项。

38. D。由该空前的During the summer months it may seem as if mosquitoes hang aroundfor a long time可知,这里是说蚊子的存活期,故选D项。

39. E。该段中的blood是提示信息,故选E项。

40. G。由该空后的They provide food for many insect-eating animals. Believe it or not,it's true; we do need mosquitoes可知,蚊子是我们大自然中不可或缺的一部分,故选G项。




41. B。根据上一句中的they always go to their favorite restaurant可知,Emma一家“通常(usually)”一周去一次那家意大利餐馆。

42. A。根据前半句Emma always chooses ravioli可知,Emma经常吃意大利馄饨,Josh经常“吃(gets)”有肉丸子的意大利面。

43. C。根据文章首句中的Emma and her family go out to dinner以及下文中这两个孩子和父母的交谈可知,这里填parents。

44. D。根据下文中的Let's try it once可知, Emma的爸爸向大家“提议(suggested)”去镇里新开的饭店吃饭。

45. B。根据下文中的All Emma and Josh ... about Lebanese food was that it was mainlychickpeas and grape leaves可知,Emma和Josh不太看好黎巴嫩菜系,因此显得有点“不高兴(unhappy)”。

46. C。该句中的it was mainly chickpeas and grape leaves是Emma和Josh所“了解(knew)”到的关于黎巴嫩菜的知识。

47. A。根据下文中爸爸补充的话Let's try it once, and if you don't like it可知,妈妈劝说两个孩子说不定最后会“喜欢(enjoying)”上黎巴嫩菜。

48. D。根据本句中的假设条件if you don't like it以及our tried andtested restaurant next week可知,爸爸向孩子们承诺:如果他们不喜欢新餐馆的饭菜,那么下周还去那家意大利餐馆。

49. B。根据上文的the new restaurant in town可知,这家人到了“新(new)”开业的饭店。

50. C。根据该空后的a server came over shortly以及下文这家人开始点餐可知,迎宾把他们带到一张“饭桌(table)”旁。

51. A。服务生向顾客推荐餐馆里的拿手菜,“告诉(told)”他们他最喜欢吃的菜。

52. D。该空后的the restaurant served something similar to ravioli和上文中两个孩子对黎巴嫩菜的认识Lebanese food was that it was mainly chickpeas and grape leaves形成对比,因此他们感到很“诧异(surprised)”。

53. B。“餐馆有类似馄饨的食物”与“餐馆提供有肉丸子的菜”之间为并列关系,故填and。

54. A。根据上一句Emma asked for manti and dumplings以及下一段中的Emma and Josh took the first bites可知,Josh也“点了(ordered)”自己想吃的菜。

55. C。根据文中的dinner以及两个孩子分别点的不同的菜可知,此处填dishes。

56. B。根据下文中的Emma was thinking ... 和Josh wasthinking ... 以及They each took a fewmore bites, and then they both said可知,两个孩子在“说话(saying)”前都稍微停顿了一会儿,在心里体会了一下对新菜系的感受。

57. D。根据转折连词but以及This food is prettytasty可知,Emma认为新餐馆的菜不“难吃(bad)”。

58. B。根据下一句This food is pretty tasty可知,两个孩子认为妈妈在上文中说的话是“对的(right)”,他们确实喜欢上了新餐馆的饭菜。

59. A。根据上文中的took the first bites和took a few morebites以及语境可知,他们在餐馆“吃完了(finished)”饭。

60. D。根据上文中的This food is pretty tasty可知,两个孩子对新餐馆的饭菜进行了肯定,认为他们又有了一家“特别喜欢的(favorite)”餐馆。


61. an。考查不定冠词。at an end意为“结束”。

62. that / which。考查关系代词。设空处引导限制性定语从句,修饰先行词wait-time,且在从句中作needed的宾语,故填that / which。

63. had made。考查过去完成时。由文章第一句时态及since May 7th可知,此处应用过去完成时,故填hadmade。

64. problems。考查名词复数。problem意为“问题”,在此作可数名词,由Oneof可知,此处应填复数名词problems。

65. were forced。考查一般过去时的被动语态。由前一句时态可知,人们被迫等待多达3小时发生在过去;且people与force之间是被动关系,故填were forced。

66. waiting。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。keep后接动词-ing形式作宾语,且I与wait之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填waiting。

67. me。考查代词。设空处作谓语动词fail的宾语,应用其宾格形式,故填me。

68. tiring。考查形容词作表语的用法。漫长的等待是令人疲倦的,故填tiring。

69. To help。考查不定式作状语的用法。公园宣布将提供快速通道的目的是帮助游客节省时间,故填To help。

70. with。考查介词。deal with意为“处理”。



I. 1-5 BACDA


11-15 DCBAD 16-20 CBACD





1. B。细节理解题。由第二段中的for the purpose of creating a world without hunger可知,这项工程的目的是解决世界饥饿问题,故选B项。

2. A。推理判断题。由第四段中的the architects showed the class how to draw pictures of the organfrom all sides可知,Anstett 和Williams帮助这些学生志愿者进行设计,故选A项。

3. C。推理判断题。由第五段中的Lanier students had nine hours to get the Wurlitzer ready for thejudges和最后一段内容可推断,学生们在那天要参加罐头建筑竞赛,故选C项。

4. D。细节理解题。由倒数第三段中的The cans were facing the wrong way和倒数第二段中的the other side was wrong, too可知,学生们发现建造中存在问题,故选D项。

5. A。标题归纳题。本文主要报道了一项有趣且有意义的活动。美国一所小学的学生们参加了用罐头搭建艺术品的比赛。罐头是用来捐献给慈善组织的。A项标题的can一语双关。从常规字面理解,Kids can!表示孩子们能够做出了不起的事业。同时,can还有“罐头”的意思,Kids can!也暗示了用罐头搭建艺术品的公益活动。




1. B。由下文的they were a good team和we were weaker可知,Joe认为对方非常“强大(strong)”。

2. D。由该空后的we had to face Racine Horlick和下文的叙述可知,这支强大的球队让我们感到十分“紧张(nervous)”。

3. A。由上文的playoffs可知,能够走到决赛,这是我们球队这五年来“取得的(made)”最好成绩。

4. C。文章开头两句是Joe的想法,作者在此劝他不要那么“想(think)”。

5. A。由该空前的As team captain可知,作为队长有“责任(job)”让队员们保持斗志。

6. B。7. D。作为队长,作者“知道(knew)”对手很优秀,“但是(but)”他们也不是不可战胜的。

8. C。由下文的讲话Guys ... so just do your best可知,“教练(coach)”把我们召集到了一起。

9. A。由该空前的we have come a long way to get to this point可知,作者所在的球队已经取得了很好的成绩,所以教练为他们感到“自豪(proud)”。

10. B。球队之前已经取得了不错的成绩,所以教练说即使我们“失败(lose)”了,他也不会不高兴的。

11. D。由该空后的most of us thought that we were weaker可知,大家此前已经要“放弃(given up)”了。

12. C。由该空后的if we played our game, we could win可知,作者“告诉(told)”大家:如果我们尽力去打比赛,我们就能赢。

13. B。由该空后的We sent the ball over the net可知,裁判示意我们“开始(start)”比赛。

14. A。我们把球打过去后,他们一下就回击过来,将球“打(hit)”在了我们脸上。

15. D。由上文的they ... it in our faces可知,这只不过才丢了一“分(point)”。

16. C。我们“只(just)”要竭尽全力比赛就行。

17. B。由该空后的our team soon took the lead可知,“令人惊讶的(surprising)”是,我们的队很快就领先了。

18. A。由该空后的we finished the match and beat them可知,“最终(In the end)”,我们击败了他们。

19. C。作为一支“球队(team)”,我们克服了自身的不利因素和害怕失败的恐惧。

20. D。由该空前的With leadership and determination可知,有了领导力和决心,一切皆有“可能(possible)”。

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