






1The trip is ______.We have great ______ .

A. fun, funny B. funny, funny C. funny, a fun D. funny, fun

2. Listen! The machine机器 is making so much ____.

A. noise B. voice C. sound D. noises

3. What _______him just now? He is crying on the bed.

A. happened B. happened to

C. happening D. happened with

4. The students are ___to know that elephants can walk quietly on tiptoe.

A. surprising B. surprised C. frightening D. frightened

5. There were________people in the street at midnight, so he drove fast.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

6. Will you e to the party next Sunday?

________.I will visit my grandparents in my hometown.

A. I think so B. I'd like to C. I'm afraid not D. I'm afraid so

7. -____________TV do you watch every day? -One hour.

A. How long B. How many

C. How much D. How many hours

8. “Oh, how interesting the book is!” Andy _________to himself.

A. said B. talked C. told D. spoke

9. -Excuse me! You can’t take photos here.Look at the sign指示牌.It says“NO PHOTOS”. 一Sorry,I _________it.

A.didn’t see B.am going to see C.won’t see D.don’t:see

10. “I won't make the same mistake 错误__________.” said John.

A. some more B. no more C. any more D. much more

11. I have____________juice and____________orange.

A. a; an B. some; a C. a; some D. some; an

12. It's________unusual thing for us to find________UFO.

A. a, a B. an, an C. an, a D. a, an

13. Yesterday I met Amy________.

A. on my way home B.in my way home

C. on my way to home D.in my way to home

14.It was terrible. The cat miaowed a lot at night recently. It________a baby crying.

A. sound B. sounded C. Sounded like D. sounds like

15. In spring, it is good for you to sleep________your windows open.

A. for B. and C. with D. but



1. Is that an English name? It sounds _____ 奇怪的to me..

2. They are __________搜查 the forest for the missing boy.

3. We took the ___________虚弱的 cat to the animal centre..

4. It is so dark at night that we cannot see ___________任何人.

5. There are some ________ 灌木丛 in our school..


usual , care, with, life , many

6.We should always be ___________ in choosing our friends.

7.I couldn‟t pass the exam easily __________ your help.

8.Elephants and whales are the largest ___________ animals on land.

9.After you tell me about your school , I know __________ about it.

10.Tom is an _____________ boy. He always asks strange questions.

C 、用所给动词适当形式动词填空。

11. He____________five minutes ago.leave

12. At last he decided____________play with us.

13. What____________happen to you just now?

14. It's not polite to leave home without____________saygoodbye.

15. I was surprised__________know that it was only a dream.

三. 完形填空:20分 A

Can flowers sing ? You must be 1 to find the answer is „YES‟. And the plants can sing , 2 .

Flowers are beautiful and they 3 nice. Most people 4 to plant them. If they can sing for us , it's really wonderful. In fact ,the flowers or plants in vases really can sing . 5 can they sing? That's because there is a speaker system 音响系统 inside the vases . The speaker system uses the flowers or plants to make 6 . If you like the music or song very much, you can 7 the music or the song 8 the plants in your garden . Music and plants are 9 for you .Do you like to 10 your plants and flowers? Now not only you can talk to them but also for you .

1. A. excited B. surprising C. surprised D. interested

2. A. also B. too C. both D. either

3. A. look B. taste C. sound D. feel

4. A. are fond of B. would like C. dislike D. are crazy about

5. A. When B. Where C. What D. Why

6. A. sound B. voice C. whisper D. noise

7. A. hear B. listen C. listen to D. hear from

8. A. for B. on C. from D. of

9. A. good B. well C. nice D. wonderful

10. A. sing to B. talk with C. dance with D. shout to


You must notice that a butterfly 蝴蝶 ___1___ four brightly colored 2 ? You may often 3 butterflies fluttering from flower to 4 . but you have 5 seen them fly at 6 , have you ? They fly only in the daytime.

The butterfly , 7 the butterfly stroke, is one of the five basic strokes in 8 . It is not 9 to learn, but it is *** ooth and graceful if performed 10 . Can you do it?

1. A .eats B. has C. takes D. loses

2. A. wings B. legs C. hands D. arms

3. A .hear B. sound C. see D. touch

4. A. hill B. river C. sky D. flower

5. A. even B. never C. still D. only

6. A .noon B. night C morning D. afternoon

7. A. or B. and C. but D. with

8. A. playing B .drinking C .swimming D .running

9. A interesting B difficult C .important D .easy

10.A .quickly B. correctly C. quietly D. usually



The largest animal ever to live on Earth is the blue whale. It weighs about 80 tons-more than 24 big elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. A new baby whale weighs as much as a big elephant. Cats won't die if they fall off very high places because they can turn themselves up the right way so as to keep their bodies safe. One cat fell off 32 floors onto the street, but it was just hurt a little.

A bear can run as fast as a horse.

A new-born panda is *** aller than a mouse and weighs about 100 grams.

Elephants are the most careful animals in their love. A male elephant may show his lady love for up to three years until the female elephant takes his love. They often show their love by touching each other's body.

Usually, wolves do not hurt people. For years a Canadian newspaper says that they would give anyone a lot of money if he or she could show that a wolf could hurt a person. But nobody could do that. Wolves do not usually go together though they may do this in winter and they only hurt people at an unusual time.

1. How much does a new-born blue whale weigh?

A. About 10 tons. B. As much as a baby elephant.

C. About 80 tons. D. About 3 tons.

2. A bear can run_______ people think they can.

A. faster than B. slower than

C. as fast as D. as slowly as

3. A male elephant won't stop following a female elephant to _______ until the female elephant takes his love.

A. fight with the baby elephant

B. ask the lady elephant to help him

C. show his love for a long time

D. find food together with him

4. A wolf won't hurt people except _______.

A. in winter B. at an unusual time

C. in group D. that it is happy

5. How many kinds of animals are mentioned in this passage?

A. Five. B. Six C. Seven D. Eight.


Dogs are friends of man. They work for us. They hunt 狩猎 with us. They play with us. But once,

all over the world, dogs are wild 野生的.

Dogs go back to the Stone Age. All dogs had the same ancestor祖先. It is believed that this ancestor was much like a wolf 狼. Other animals like the fox, came from this ancestor, too.

Thousands of years ago, man began to tame 驯服the wild dogs . When the dogs were tame, they were trained 训练. The strong dogs became working animals . They were trained to pull heavy loads担子. They learned to keep watch over the sheep and other animals. Working dogs had other jobs, too.

Some dogs were not strong. But they could help man hunt for game. Other dogs were best as pets. At first , there were only a few kinds of dogs. Today there are more than 100 kinds.

6. The word in the story that means an animal far back in another animal‟s family is ancestor.

7. The story make us believe that Man has helped change animals.

8. The strong dogs turned into foxes.

9. Dogs are pets from the beginning.

10. Dogs and man have been friends for a long time.



A boy called Kenny moved to countryside from a large city. He wanted to buy a donkey 驴子from a farmer. It cost him 100 dollars. The farmer agreed to bring the donkey the next day. The next day, the farmer came and say, “Sorry, the donkey died.” “OK,” he said. “Please give the money back to me.” “But I have spent all the money !” “Then give me the donkey,” Kenny said. The farmer wondered, “Why do you want the dead donkey?” “I can use it as a prize in a draw lot 抽奖.” The farmer shouted, “No one wants a dead donkey !” You are crazy.” Kenny answered , “Don‟t worry ! I won‟t tell them the donkey is dead.”

A few months later, the farmer met Kenny . “How about the dead donkey?” he asked . Kenny said, “Well, I held a lucky draw lot, and I told them the prize is a donkey. I sold 500 tickets, 2 dollars each. So I got 998 dollars.” The farmer was very much surprised . “Why doesn‟t anyone say „No?‟” Kenny answered , “Only the winner said „No‟. So I gave the money that he bought the tickets to him.”

Many years later, when Kenny grew up , he became the chief of Anther 安然公司主管.

11. How much was the donkey ?


12. Why couldn‟t the farmer return the money to Kenny ?


13. What did Kenny use the dead donkey as ?


14. Did Kenny tell people the donkey was dead ?


15. How much money did Kenny earn 赚?






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( )1. A. It’s under the bed . B. They’re under the bed . C. They are balls.

( )2. A. My name’s Gina. B. Her name is Gina. C. His name is Bob.

( )3. A. It’s a book. B. They are books. C. They are under the bed.

( )4 A. Yes, she isn’t. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, it is .

( )5. A. It’s 5266987 . B. It’s a book . C. It’s red.


( )6. Where’s the computer game?

A. Behind the door. B. On the sofa. C. Behind the sofa.

( )7. Is it under the table ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.

( )8. What color is the eraser?

A. It’s black. B. It’s white. C. It’s red.

( )9. What’s on the bookcase ?

A. An English book. B. A math book C. A set of keys.

( )10. Is Li Ming his cousin?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t.


( )11. is under the bed.

A. The backpack. B. The baseball. C. The hat.

( )12. The keys are .

A. on the dresser. B. under the sofa. C. in the table.

( )13. The computer game is .

A. under the bed. B. next to book case. C. on the table.


( )14.The books are .

A. on the sofa. B. on the bed. C. under the table.

( )15.The pencil case are_______.

A. in the backpack. B. on the bed. C. on the table.


Things my quilt my computer 17 my jacket 19 20

Where on the bed 16 on the bookcase 18 in the drawer on the floor


A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

( )21. I have aunt. name is Linda.

A. a , Her B. an, Her C. an, She

( )22. Thanks your notebook.

A. of B. for C. in

( )23. Draw a picture your family.

A. of B. for C. in

( )24 . my parents.

A. This is B. These are C. That is

( )25.Can you some photos here tomorrow?

A. take B. bring C. get

( )26. Is this your sister?

A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, it is C. Yes, they are.

( )27. Bob is not my brother. my cousin.

A. He’s B. She’s C. They are

( )28. ——Where are my books? —— .

A. They are on your bed. B. It’s on your bed C. They are books

( )29. Can you see the bird(鸟) the apple tree?

A. on B. in C. at

( )30. That’s chair. A cat is under chair .

A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

( )31.This my brother. And those my grandparents.

A. is , is B. is , are C. are , is

( )32.My uncle’s son is my .

A. brother B. sister C. cousin

( )33.Tom and I good friends. He ten.

A. am, is B. are, is C. am, are

( )34. —— your books? —— They’re at school.

A. Where are B. Where is C. Where’s

( )35.—— ? —— They are our English books.

A. What’s this ? B. What are those? C. Where are they ?

B) 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Look, this 36 Jim’s room. 37 is an old house(旧房子), but it’s very nice. There are(有)some 38 and a clock 39 the wall(墙). There is a set of keys on the desk. 40 backpack is 41 the chair. His coat is on the bed. 42 is the baseball? It is 43 the door. 44 that under the bed? It’s 45 English book.

( )36. A. am B. is C. are

( )37. A. It is B. It C. It’s

( )38. A. pictures B. picture C. a picture

( )39. A. at B. on C. in

( )40. A. He B. His C. him

( )41. A. on B. at C. of

( )42. A. How B. What C. Where

( )43. A. behind B. under C. in

( )44. A. Where’s B. What’s C. It’s

( )45. A. a B. an C. the


A) 选择(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,从每题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。

This is Jack’s room. His bed is near the door. His math book is on the bed. His table is near the bed. His TV set is on it. The telephone is on the table too. His backpack is on the chair. The baseball is under it. His dog is under the sofa. The dog’s photo is on the wall(墙). Oh! Who’s under the bed? It’s Jack.

( )46. What’s on the table?

A. The TV B. The telephone C. The TV and telephone

( )47. Where’s Jack’s dog ?

A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the sofa. C. It’s under the sofa.

( )48. Is Jack’s backpack on the bed ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, they aren’t. C. No, it isn’t.

( )49. Where’s Jack’s baseball ?

A. Under the table. B. Under the chair. C. On the chair

( )50. Is Jack in his room ?

A. No, he isn’t . B. Yes, he is . C. I don’t know.

B) 判断(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的写T,不符合的写F。

Mike: Mother, this my friend, Paul.

Paul: Nice to meet you, Mrs Brown.

Mrs Brown: It’s nice to meet you, Paul .

Mike: And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother , Bob, and this is my cousin, Tim.

Paul: Hello! And is this your sister ?

Mike: Yes, this is Jenny.

( )51. Paul and Mike are brothers .

( )52. Mike and Tim are cousins.

( )53. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents.

( )54. Jenny is Mike’s sister .

( )55. Mrs Brown is Jenny’s mother.

C) 摘要信息(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(每空最多填写三个词)

These are Lucy and Lily. They’re twins(双胞胎).They’re twelve. This is their room. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is yellow and Lily’s chair is red. Lucy’s jacket is on her bed and Lily’s jacket is on the chair. A clock, some books, an eraser and some flowers are on the desk. Lucy’s backpack is on the dresser. A soccer ball is under the bed. A black cat is under Lily’s chair.

Things Where

Lucy’s jacket on the bed

Lily’s jacket 56

a clock, some books, 57 and some flowers on the desk

58 under Lily’s chair

Lucy’s backpack 59

a soccer ball 60



A: Mom, 61.

B: I don’t know. 62.

A: No, they aren’t.

B: Are they in your backpack?

A: 63. Thank you.64.

B: Your baseball ? 65.

B) 翻译(共5小题,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

My name is Han Mei. I’m an Chinese girl. 66.My English name is Alice. And my English teacher is Mr Li. His telephone number is 8965325. 67.This red jacket is Mr Li’s. Oh, 68.where is my black jacket? It’s on the chair. An English book is on the desk. 69.It’s not my English book . 70.My English book is in my backpack. Oh, my telephone number is 8695369.






C) 作文(10分)


Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs.


Li Ming


Ⅰ、1-5. BBBBA 6-10. CABBA 11-15. BBABC

16. on the table 17. my books 18. on the chair 19. my keys 20. my pencil

Ⅱ、21-25. BBABB 26-30. AAABA 31-35. BCBAB 36-40. BBABB 41-45. ACABB

Ⅲ、46-50. CCCBB 51-55. FTTTT

56. on the chair 57. an eraser 58. a black cat 59. on the dresser 60. under the bed

Ⅳ、A) AECDB B) 66. 我的英文名字叫艾丽斯。67. 这件红色夹克是李老师的。68. 我的黑色夹克在哪里?69. 那不是我的英语书。70. 我的英语书在我的背包里。

C)Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs. The English book is on the dresser. The ruler is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer .


Li Ming


1. 七年级英语上册综合复习题及答案

2. 初二上册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案

3. 七年级英语测试题及答案

4. 七年级上册英语期中考试试题及答案

5. 七年级上期末英语试题及答案




一、单项选择 (20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

( )1. If you read the article for second time, you will have better

understanding of it.A. a; the B. /; the C. a; a D. /; a

( )2. — How nice the fish tastes! Could you tell me who taught you to cook it?

— To be honest, I learnt it watching TV. I learn to cook many dishes

B. by; on C. in; on D. in; in TV.A. by; in

( )3. — What’s the of the car at present?

— It’s about 70 kilometers an hour.

A. place B. speed C. price D. mark

( )4. — Why do you like Mrs. Lee?

— Because she is very . She is never tired of explaining something to us again

and again. A. active B. beautiful C. unusual D. patient

( )5. — Sorry, but I didn’t quite catch what you said. Would you please your e-mail address?— OK. It’s andy19840313@126.com.

A. repeat B. return C. recycle D. review

( )6. — Han Li has improved her English a lot since she joined the English club.

— How she chose to join it at first!

A. quickly B. suddenly C. simply D. wisely

( )7. — You’re doing much better in your writing. can you improve it so quickly? — Well, I started keeping diaries in English two months ago.

A. When B. Where C. How D. What

( )8. Jimmy is very helpful. I stay with him, I like him.

A. The more; the most B. The most; the most

C. The more; the more D. The most; the morew W w .x K b 1 .c o M

( )9. — My grandpa learns English for two hours every day, he is over 70.

— Really? We should learn from him. A. because B. although C. since D. as

( )10. — Why not listen to BBC news to improve your listening skills?

— It’s difficult for me follow.

A. too; to B. so; that C. such; that D. so; too

( )11. When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A. make up them B. look up them C. make them up D. look them up

( )12. — What did Tina say? — Sorry, I didn’t what she said.

A. pay attention to B. get on with C. hold on to D. look forward to

( )13. — I haven’t got a partner . — Maybe you can ask John for help.

A. work with B. to work C. working with D. to work with

( )14. Physics much easier for me since Mrs. Yang began to teach us.

A. have been B. has been C. was D. were

( )15. — I wonder if I can learn English well.

— . All things are difficult before they are easy.

A. I am afraid so B. You’re slow C. It takes time D. It’s a piece of cake

( )16. Lucy finally found _________exciting to have conversations with friends in Chinese.

A. that B. this C. it D. it’s

( )17. ---I’m going to listen _______the tape. ---OK. Remember to look ________the key

words. A. to, to B. to ,for C. for, to D. for, for

( )18. ________or not you can learn well depends on your learning habits.

A. If B. Weather C. How D. Whether

( )19.I have finished _________my report. May I start to learn ________the guitar?

A. writing, playing B. writing, to play C. to write, playing D. to write, to play

( )20.For the first time, pay attention _________quickly to get the main ideas.

A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading

二、 完形填空 (10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。

Many of you have been “bilingual talents (双语人才)” for years. We are not talking dialect (方言) and Putonghua.

Zhang Yaoyi, 14, from Shanghai, is such a talent. “kindergarten time, I’ve spoken Shanghai dialect at home, but Putonghua in school,” she said.

China encourages the Putonghua even during class breaks.

A in 2011 showed that only 60 percent of Shanghai students could fully understand their local dialect. Many people are . “The local culture is dying if a dialect is no longer said a famous teacher. “The most vivid (生动的) words and expressions are all of dialects,” he added. Zhang Yaoyi

Some cities have taken action to dialects now. Since 2008, some primary schools in Guangzhou have asked students to speak the Guangdong dialect one day a week. Starting from this year, 20 Shanghai kindergartens encourage children to speak their dialect during breaks.

, protecting dialects doesn’t mean saying No to Putonghua. Dialects are just part of a multi-cultural (多元 文化 的) society.

( )1. A. to B. about

B. Before

B. life

B. review

B. difficult

B. talked

B. save

B. Then C. with C. use D. down D. death ( )2. A. From ( )3. A. ability ( )4. A. report ( )6. A. boring ( )7. A. born ( )9. A. provide ( )10. A. Also


C. At D. Since C. poem D. decision C. possible D. popular ( )5. A. surprised B. worried C. pleased D. excited C. heard D. thought C. cause D. stop C. However D. Later ( )8. A. finds out B. forgets about C. agrees with D. learns about

第2 / 5页


“It is never too late and you are never too old to start something new!” says Englishtown student Ellen Rema. Ellen began to learn English at the age of fifty, and in just a few years, she has made great progress!

Ellen chose to study on Englishtown because no evening classes were offered in the German countryside where she lives. On Englishtown, she has conversation classes online and speaks with native English-speaking teachers.

“Englishtown is a wonderful place for study,” she says. Ellen began with the first level (水平) of Englishtown and quickly progressed. “I spent hours and hours studying,” she said. “Maybe I wanted too much in a short time. I finished all my courses after 2 years, but I still had grammar difficulties.”

Instead of giving up, she chose to continue. After another two years on Englishtown, she’s still studying in the online classroom. “Studying online is never boring, but you need practice, practice, practice!”

Ellen says studying English isn’t all about hard work. It should also be fun. “I really like the online conversation classrooms,” she says. “I have learned so much about other cultures and traditions.”

Ellen has been able to put her English to use by visiting England five times! “I’m very thankful to Englishtown because my life has improved because of it,” Ellen says.

( )1. Ellen started to learn English .

A. 50 years ago B. in a city of Germany C. when she was a high school student

D. when she was 50 years old

( )2. Why did Ellen study English on Englishtown?

A. She had no free time during the day. B. She lived far away from school. C. There were no evening classes near her home. D. Englishtown was a famous website to learn English.

( )3. Ellen had trouble learning .

A. pronunciation B. grammar C. writing

( )4. How long has Ellen learned English?

A. For 2 years. B. For 4 years. C. For 6 years. D. For 15 years. ( )5. What’s the main idea of this passage? A. You are never too old to learn something new.B. Englishtown is a good place to visit. C. The courses are good on Englishtown. D. Studying English is not boring at all. D. listening


US First Lady Michelle Obama, along with her mother and two daughters, made their first trip to China from March 20-26. They went to Beijing, Xi’an and Chengdu.

In a speech at PekingUniversity,Mrs Obama encouraged students to study abroad.

“It’s not enough to get good grades in school,” she said in the speech. “It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books. The experiences in other countries help make our life successful. By learning each other’s languages and by showing such curiosity

(好奇) and respect (尊重) for each other’s cultures, you are building bridges of understanding and bonds of friendship,” she said. The US is the top destination (目的地) for Chinese students. More than 200,000 Chinese students are now studying in the US. In 2009, US President Barack Obama announced (宣布) his US students have come to China. What’s more, many kids in the US are now studying Chinese. “Learning Chinese is a cool thing in school. It is good for our future,” said Mason Grabowski, 14, a student from Chicago. “It is a hard language, but it is never too early to start learning it.”


( )6. In March, members of the Obama family visited China.

A. three B. four C. five D. six

( )7. In her speech at Peking University, Michelle Obama encouraged students to .

A. get good grades at school B. study in America C. study in other countries

D. learn a foreign language

( )8. Over US students have studied in China since 2009.

A. two hundred thousand B. one hundred thousand C. sixty-eight thousand

D.ten thousand

( )9. The underlined word “goal” means “” in Chinese.

A. 目标 B. 进球 C. 梦想 D. 麻烦

( )10. We can learn that from the passage.

A. Michelle Obama visited four cities in China

B. President Obama hopes his daughters can build bridges of understanding by studying D. the US is the most popular destination for Chinese students abroad.C. Mason Grabowski thinks it’s too early for her to learn Chinese

四、完成 句子 (每空1分,共10分)

1、我听不懂 英语口语 。I cann`t understand ______ _______.

2、我同意明天去 游泳 。I ______ _______ going to swim tomorrow.

3、你怕狗吗?Are you ______ ________ dogs?

4、在课堂上做笔记是非常重要的。It`s very important to _____ ______ in class.

5、你和朋友用英语交谈吗? Do you ______ ________ with friends in English?


How I Learned to Learn English

Last year, I did not like my English class. Every class was like a bad dream. The teacher 1_____ so quickly that I did not understand her most of the time.I was afraid 2_______ ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. I just 3______behind my textbook and never said anything.

Then one day I4_______ an English movie 5_____ Toy Story. I 6_______ in love with this exciting and funny movie! So I 7_____ to watch other English movies,too. Although I could not understand everything the 8______said, their body language and the 9_____on their faces helped me10_____ get the meaning. I also 11______ I could get the meaning by 12______ for just the key words. My pronunciation 13______ as well by listening to the 14______ in English movies. I 15_______ that listening to something interesting is the secret 16_______ language learning. I also learned useful sentences like “It’s a piece of cake” or “It serves you right.” I did not understand these sentences at first. But because I wanted to understand the story, I looked them17______ in a18_______.

Now I really19______my English class.I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better 20________ of English movies.


一、单选 1-5 CBBDA 6-10 DCCBA 11-15 DADBC 16-20 DACBC

二、完形 1-5 BDCAB 6-10 DACBC

三、阅读 1-5DCBBA 6-10BCCAD


1. spoken English 2.agree with 3.afraid of 4.take notes 5.have conversations


1.spoke 2.to 3.hid 4.watched 5.called 6.fell 7.began 8.characters 9.expressions 10.to

11.realized 12.listening 13.improved

18.dictionary 19.enjoy 20.understanding

15.discovered 16.to 17.up 14.conversations


1. 初三英语全册Unit 13单元检测题和答案

2. 九年级英语上第十三单元基础测试题

3. 九年级英语八校联考试卷

4. 新目标初三Unit 10单元综合检测及答案













