



五年级上册英语期中检测卷浙江省宁波市鄞州区甲南小学 陈海燕 五年级上册英语期中检测卷 Class:__________ Name:_____________ Number:_____________ 听力部分45% 一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出所听到的单词)10% ( )1.A.Mr. B.Miss C.Mrs. ( )2.A.you B.young C.your ( )3.A.active B.smart C.kind ( )4.A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Monday ( )5.A.Sunday B.sunny C.sun ( )6.A.pear B.bear C.wear ( )7.A.salad B.science C.small ( )8.A.week B.weekday C.weekend ( )9.A.salty B.sour C.tasty ( )10.A.Sun. B.Sat. C.Wed. 二、Listen and number(听音,标号)8% ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、Listen and choose(听问句,选答句)7% ( )1.A.I like apples. B.I’d like some mutton. ( )2.A.We have math. B.We have beef and rice. ( )3.A.We have cabbage. B.I often watch TV. ( )4.A.It’s Monday. B.Tomorrow is Monday. ( )5.A.He’s smart. B.He likes vegetables. ( )6.A.I like Coke. B.I like red. ( )7.A.Yes, she is. B.No, he isn’t. 四、Listen and write(听录音,完成下列句子)10% 1.__________ your English teacher? __________ she _________? 2.I often _________ _________ on weekends 3.What would you like for ________ _________? _________,please. 4.What’s your favourite _________? I like __________ and apples. 五、Listen and judge(听短文,判断。正确的用“T”,错误的用“F”表示)10% 1.Miss Green is an English teacher.( ) 2.Miss Green watches TV on weekends.( ) 3.Miss Green’s favourite food is eggs.( ) 4.Miss Green likes Chinese tea.( ) 5.All the students like her very much. ( ) 笔试部分55% 一、Read and choose(找出划线部分发音不同的单词)5% ( )1.A.beef B.tea C.break ( )2.A.brown B.yellow C.window ( )3.A.crow B.crop C.clean ( )4.A.black B.blow C.brow ( )5.A.coat B.goat C.mouth 二、Look and choose(选择相同类别的单词,把序号填在括号内)10% ( )1.We have English on Wednesdays. A.Thursdays B.play ping-pong C.violin ( )2.He is thin. A.tasty B.football C.tall ( )3.I like cucumbers. They are fresh. A.eggplant B.Tuesday C.healthy ( )4.I often play football on Sundays. A.principal B.do homework C.salad ( )5.The fish is salty. A.do housework B.tomorrow C.sweet 三、Read and choose(读一读,选一选)10% ( )1.Mr Lin is our math teacher. He’s a . A.boy B.man C.woman ( )2.What do you have Mondays? A. on B.for C.to ( )3.Tomatoes my favourite food. A.are B.is C.am ( )4.I like pork. tasty. A.It’s B.They’re C.It ( )5.Is he tall? , he’s short. A.Yes, he is. B.No, he isn’t. C.No, she isn’t. ( )6.What’s your favourite fruit? _________ A.Chicken. B.Pears. C.Eggplant. ( )7.What do you have on Mondays? __________ A.I have fish. B.I have science. C.I do homework. ( )8.My new art teacher is ________. A.Li Honglu. B.Li Hong Lu. C.Li honglu ( )9.What’s your Chinese teacher like?_________ A. He’s Mr Wang. B.He likes grapes. C.He’s tall. ( )10._______ is the first day of a week. A. Monday B.Sunday C.Saturday 四、 Read and order(连词成句)10% 1.do have you on what Thursdays (?) _________________________________________________ 2.your is favourite food what Mike (, ?) _______________________________________________ 3.we on Mondays math have (.) _________________________________________________ 4.your music is tall teacher (?) ________________________________________________ 5.bananas sweet healthy are and (.) ________________________________________________ 五、Read and choose(情景对话)10% John: Good afternoon, Mike. Mike: _____________ What do you have on Tuesdays? John: _____________ Mike: Great. ______________ John: I often play basketball. Do you like playing basket? Mike: ___________ And who’s your P.E. teacher? John: __________ His class is so much fun. Mike: I know. Let’s play basketball on the weekend. Mike: Good idea. 六、Look and choose(读短文,选择)10% Hi! I'm Jack. I'm from Willow School. Today is Tuesday. We have math, Chinese and computer. I like computer. Mr Zhang is my computer teacher. He is very strong and funny. We like him very much. We have eggplant and fish for lunch on Wednesdays. I don't like eggplant. Tofu is my favourite. Saturdays are my favourite days. I often play football on Saturdays. Of course, I do my homework, too. What about you? ( )1.What day is it tomorrow? A.Tuesday B. Wednesday C.Friday ( )2.What do they have for lunch on Wednesdays? A.Pork and rice B.Tofu and green beans C.Eggplant and fish ( )3.What is Jack's computer teacher like? A.He is tall and thin. B.He's strong and funny. C.He is so heavy. ( )4.Does Jack like his computer teacher? A.Yes, he does B.No, he doesn't. ( )5.What does Jack do on Saturdays? A.He often plays computer games. B.He often plays football and does homework. C.He often watches TV and play ping-pong.






一、 听录音,迅速写出每个单词的首尾两个字母。(12分)

1.( ) ( ) 2.( ) ( ) 3.( ) ( )

4.( ) ( ) 5.( ) ( ) 6.( ) ( )

二、 听录音,将图片和时间连线,并按听到的顺序标号。(5幅图,10分)

三、 听短文,做选择。(8分)

( )1. Tomorrow is ____.

A. Saturday B. Monday C. Friday

( )2. In the morning I ____.

A. read books. B. watch TV. C. do homework

( )3.Tomorrow I have ____.

A. Chinese B. music C. art

( )4.I need ____ notebooks and a new pair of ____.

A. one; slippers B. four; scandals C. three; sneakers


一、 读单词,按照划线部分读音归类,写在横线上。(6分)

fun fish old but like social

mutton from university on principal kind






二、 纵横填字母组成单词。(8分)


1. 笔友______________

2. 好吃又有益于_________________

3. 美术老师________________

4. 给我说说你的_________________

5. 午饭吃土豆________________

6. 学校校报__________________


( ) 1.I’m hungry. ____ go to a restaurant.

A. Let is B. Let’s C. Lets’

( )2.On Mid-Autumn Day, people usually eat ____.

A. zongzi B. mooncakes C. dumplings

( )3.Who’s _____ math teacher?

A. you B. your C. yours

( )4.What’s ____ like?

A. her B. she C. him

( )5.--____ tall? --Yes, she is.

A. is she B. Is her C. Is she

( )6. --Who’s that old man? -- _____ my new science teacher.

A. he’s B. His C. He is

( )7. What do you have ____ dinner today?

A. in B. from C. for

( )8. -- What’s your favorite fruit? -- _____.

A. Pork. B. Carrot juice. C. Grapes.

( )9. I am hungry. I’d like ____.

A. to have some noodles and pork.

B. to do homework.

C. to play ping-pong.

( )10. –- Who’s that young lady? -- She’s our music teacher, ____ White.

A. Mr. B. / C. Miss

( )11. In America, Thanksgiving Day is the ____ Thursday in November.

A. four B. fourth C. first

( )12. -- Who’s your art teacher? -- ____. He’s tall, and he’s very funny.

A. Mr. Jim. B. Mrs. Carter. C. Mr. Carter.

( )13. What do you do ___ Saturdays and Sundays?

A. in B. at C. on

( )14. What’s your favorite day ___ Willow School?

A. on B. at C. from

( )15. I often paint or watch TV on Saturdays. Saturday is fun ____ me!

A. for B. with C. to

( )16. -- I have three new teachers. -- Who ____?

A. is it B. they are C. are they

( )17. 如果你想说:“她的课很有趣。”应该说:

A. His class is so much fun.

B. Her class is so much fun.

C. She is very funny.

( )18. 如果你想说:“那一点是很肯定的。”应该说:

A. Sure. B. Oops! C. That’s for sure.

( )19. 别人问你“What do you do on Fridays?” 你应该回答:

A. I like Fridays.

B. I play computer games and read books on Fridays.

C. It’s Friday today.

( )20. 如果你想问“她是你的新音乐老师吗?”应该说:

A. Is she your music teacher?

B. She is your new music teacher.

C. Is she your new music teacher?


Chen Jie是一名小记者( reporter )。有一位美国老师Mr. Bill Steven和两名学生 Jim and Carol刚来到学校。这里有他们的个人简介。Chen Jie正在对他们进行采访。请根据个人简介提供的信息完成下面的对话,每空填写一个单词。(8分)

Chen Jie: Welcome to our school. Can I interview you for our school newspaper?

Mr. Steven: Sure.

Chen Jie: ______ ______ ______ ______ on the weekends(周末), Mr. Steven?

Mr. Steven: Well, I often read some book and watch TV on Saturdays. ______ ______, I often do some shopping.

Chen Jie: Thank you. ______ ______ ______, Jim?

Jim : On Saturdays, I usually do homework and play football. On Sundays, I often watch TV. I love the TV programs(节目)here in China.

Chen Jie: ______ ______ ______ _______ ______?

Jim: I love bananas. They’re yummy. They’re my favorite.

Chen Jie: Do you play football on Saturdays, too, Carol?

Carol: No. I often read books and listen to music. Sometimes I learn Chinese. I love China, and I love Chinese. On Sundays, I often go shopping with ______ ______, Mr. Steven.

Chen Jie: Really? Mr. Steven?

Mr. Steven: Yes, Carol is my daughter. Uh-ha.

Jim: And Mr. Steven is our math teacher. His class is so much fun.

Chen Jie: Thank you so much.


( 1 )将下列句子重新排序,组成一个完整的对话。(8分)

( ) But I don’t like tomatoes. They’re too sour.

( ) My favorite food is tomato. It’s healthy and fresh.

( ) Good idea! Thanks. Bye!

( ) Oh, eggplant! It’s my favorite. What’s your favorite food?

( 1 ) It’s Saturday today. I need to do some shopping.

( ) I need four carrots, five potatoes, some bananas and some eggplant.

( ) OK. Everything is here. Come to my home tomorrow. Let’s have a party.

( ) I’ll help. Let’s go. What do you need?

( )See you tomorrow.


Here is a picture of my friends. The boy with the short red hair is Tom. He’s very funny. That’s his motorcycle. It’s nice. The girl with long black hair and blue eyes is Angela. She is quiet. She is a university student. The tall girl with short yellow hair is Ingrid. She wears glasses. She is a basketball player. She is very active. That short boy is Mike, my best friend. He has brown curly hair and green eyes. He’s very smart.






你的pen pal, David从美国来信,问到你的近况如何。下面是你的课程表和School Menu.请你根据这些信息给他回信,回答他在信中谈到的问题。

What class do you have on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays?

What do you have for lunch at school every day?

What do you often do on Saturday and Sunday?





I 听力部分

一、1.active 2.strong 3.tasty 4.grape 5.funny 6.young

二、1.I do housework at 9:00 on Sunday morning.

2.I play computer games at 8:00 on Saturday evening.

3.I eat dinner at 7:00 p.m.

4.I play footall at 4:00 on Tuesday afternoon.

5.I do some shopping at 10:00 on Saturday morning. 答案:略。

三、It’s Sunday today. In the morning, I do my homework and help my mom do some housework. Tomorrow I have Math, Art, Computer and P.E. I need a calculator, some crayons, three notebooks and a new pair of sneakers. So I need to do some shopping this afternoon.

答案:1.B 2.C 3.C 4.C

II 笔试部分

一、not from on

kid fish principal university

bus fun but mutton

no old social

five kind like


三、1.pen pal 2.tasty and healthy 3.art teacher 4.tell me about your school

5.have potatoes for lunch 6.school newspaper

四、1.B 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.C8.C 9.A 10.C 11.B 12C 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.C

五、What do you do On Sundays What about you What is your favorite fruit my father

六、(1)658413729 (2)略




一、 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里。(10分)

( ) 1. A. Mr B. Mrs C. Miss

( ) 2. A. sunny B. Sunday C. funny

( ) 3. A.date B. today C.day

( ) 4. A. week B. walk C. work

( ) 5. A. fruit B. foot C. food

( ) 6. A. shirt B. skirt C. girl

( ) 7. A. 8:15 B. 8:50 C. 8:30

( )8.A. first B. third C. fourth

( ) 9.A.winter B. window C. windy

( )10.A. skate B. play C. plane


三. 听录音,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其字母编号填在括号里(10分)

( ) 1. A. Cats . B. Blue. C. Winter .

( ) 2. A. It’s March 8th. B. It’s June 1st. C. It’s October 1st.

( ) 3. A. Because I can skate. B. Because I can plant trees.

C. Because I can swim.

( ) 4. A.Yes, I can. B. Yes, I are. C. Yes, I am.

( ) 5. A. We have P.E. B. They have fish . C. We have fish.


1. your mother? She’s in the .

2. I usually go to bed at and get up at .

3. They at 8:00 in the evening.

4. What’s your favourite ? I like .

5. Fall is in Dongguan. We usually wear .

五. 听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子的对错,对的请在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”(10分)

( )1. I’m from China.

( )2. I like summer and winter.

( )3. My birthday is on Children’s Day.

( )4.I play sports every day.

( )5..I can make a snowman in Dongguan.


A. What’s the date today? E. Is it your birthday?

B. Is it Teachers’ Day ? F. What’s your favourite season ?

C. When is your birthday? G. I like fall best .

D. What’s the weather like in fall? H. It’s fall .

Mike :Which season is it now ?

Chen: ___________________________.

Mike: __________________________________?

Chen: It is September 10th.

Mike: ___________________________________?

Chen: Yes, it’s Teachers’ Day, too .

Mike: __________________________________?

Chen: I like fall.

Mike: ____________________________________ ?

Chen: It’s windy .


Amy: When do you get up?

Mike: I get up at six forty. I get up early because I have breakfast at home.

Amy: What about weekends?

Mike: Oh, I get up at eight .

Amy: What do you do on the weekends?

Mike: Usually I watch TV and do my homework. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you?

Amy: Me too. And I often read books, too.

Mike: Tomorrow is Children’s Day. Let’s go hiking together .

Amy: Great !

( )1. What’s the date today?

A. It’s Jan. 1st . B. It’s May. 31st .

( )2. Amy often ________on the weekends .

A. watchTV and do her homework. B:watches TV and does her homework

( )3. Does Mike usually get up at 6:30?

A. Yes, he does . B. No ,he doesn’t .

( )4. Mike has breakfast at ________ on Mondays .

A. school B. home

( )5. Does Mike read books on the weekends ?

A. Yes ,he does. B. No , he doesn’t .


(apples , winter , water , summer, rains , plant , skate , snowman , in , cold , often , swim , cool , sometimes )

I love summer. It’s very hot in _________ . I can _______ in the sea. Spring is beautiful. But it often ________ . It’s hard to _______ flowers in the rain. In fall, I can pick _______ . I can eat a lot. ________ comes. It’s very ________ . ___________ it snows in Beijing. I can ________ and make a __________.

九、根据图片,写问句. (10分)

1. A: __________________________ ? 1.

B:Yes, I am reading books .

2. A: _________________________ ? 2.

B: I often play football on weekends .

3. A: _________________________ ? 3.

B: We have English class at 8:30.

4. A: ? 4.

B: My favourite fruit is apples.

5. A: _________________________? 5.

B: Because I can fly kites in spring .





一、 听录音,根据你所听到的内容,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填1. Mrs White is my English teacher.

2. It’s sunny today.

3. What’s the date now?

4. Tom goes to work at 7:00 every day.

5. What’s your favourite fruit?

6. My brother likes the blue shirt.

7. I usually get up at 8:50 on Sunday.

8. My birthday is May 1st.

9. It’s windy now.

10. I play in the park on weekends. Xkb1. com


1.A: Do you like spring? B: No, I like summer. I can swim. (B)

2. A: Can you make kites? B: No, but I can fly a kite. (A)

3. A: When is your mother’s birthday? B: Dec. 9th. (A)

4. A: What do you do on Sundays? B: I usually play sports. (C)

5. A: What time do you get up on weekends? B:At 9:20. (B)

三. 听录音,根据问题选择最合适的答句,并将其字母编号填在括号里(10分)

1.What’s your favourite animal? (A)

2.When is National Day?(C)

3. Why do you like winter?(A)

4. Are you playing ping-pong?(A)

5.What do you have for lunch on Monday?(C)


1. Where’s your mother? She’s in the park .

2. I usually go to bed at 9:30 and get up at 7:15 .

3. They eat dinner at 8:00 in the evening.

4. What’s your favourite food.? I like tofu.

5. Fall is cool in Dongguan. We usually wear shirts.

五. 听录音,根据录音内容判断下列句子的对错,对的请在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”(10分)

Hi, I’m Chen Jie. I’m from Dongguan. I like sports. I do sports at 4:00 every day. So I am tall and strong. I like summer best. Because my birthday is in summer. It’s June 1st. I’m happy on my holiday. But I don’t like winter. It’s too cold, and I can’t make a snowman in Dongguan.

( )1. I’m from China.

( )2. I like summer and winter.

( )3. My birthday is on Children’s Day.

( )4.I play sports every day.

( )5. .I can make a snowman in Dongguan.

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