







( )1. A. It’s under the bed . B. They’re under the bed . C. They are balls.

( )2. A. My name’s Gina. B. Her name is Gina. C. His name is Bob.

( )3. A. It’s a book. B. They are books. C. They are under the bed.

( )4 A. Yes, she isn’t. B. No, she isn’t. C. Yes, it is .

( )5. A. It’s 5266987 . B. It’s a book . C. It’s red.


( )6. Where’s the computer game?

A. Behind the door. B. On the sofa. C. Behind the sofa.

( )7. Is it under the table ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, it isn’t. C. I don’t know.

( )8. What color is the eraser?

A. It’s black. B. It’s white. C. It’s red.

( )9. What’s on the bookcase ?

A. An English book. B. A math book C. A set of keys.

( )10. Is Li Ming his cousin?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, he isn’t.


( )11. is under the bed.

A. The backpack. B. The baseball. C. The hat.

( )12. The keys are .

A. on the dresser. B. under the sofa. C. in the table.

( )13. The computer game is .

A. under the bed. B. next to book case. C. on the table.


( )14.The books are .

A. on the sofa. B. on the bed. C. under the table.

( )15.The pencil case are_______.

A. in the backpack. B. on the bed. C. on the table.


Things my quilt my computer 17 my jacket 19 20

Where on the bed 16 on the bookcase 18 in the drawer on the floor


A) 单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。

( )21. I have aunt. name is Linda.

A. a , Her B. an, Her C. an, She

( )22. Thanks your notebook.

A. of B. for C. in

( )23. Draw a picture your family.

A. of B. for C. in

( )24 . my parents.

A. This is B. These are C. That is

( )25.Can you some photos here tomorrow?

A. take B. bring C. get

( )26. Is this your sister?

A. Yes, she is. B. Yes, it is C. Yes, they are.

( )27. Bob is not my brother. my cousin.

A. He’s B. She’s C. They are

( )28. ——Where are my books? —— .

A. They are on your bed. B. It’s on your bed C. They are books

( )29. Can you see the bird(鸟) the apple tree?

A. on B. in C. at

( )30. That’s chair. A cat is under chair .

A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a

( )31.This my brother. And those my grandparents.

A. is , is B. is , are C. are , is

( )32.My uncle’s son is my .

A. brother B. sister C. cousin

( )33.Tom and I good friends. He ten.

A. am, is B. are, is C. am, are

( )34. —— your books? —— They’re at school.

A. Where are B. Where is C. Where’s

( )35.—— ? —— They are our English books.

A. What’s this ? B. What are those? C. Where are they ?

B) 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

Look, this 36 Jim’s room. 37 is an old house(旧房子), but it’s very nice. There are(有)some 38 and a clock 39 the wall(墙). There is a set of keys on the desk. 40 backpack is 41 the chair. His coat is on the bed. 42 is the baseball? It is 43 the door. 44 that under the bed? It’s 45 English book.

( )36. A. am B. is C. are

( )37. A. It is B. It C. It’s

( )38. A. pictures B. picture C. a picture

( )39. A. at B. on C. in

( )40. A. He B. His C. him

( )41. A. on B. at C. of

( )42. A. How B. What C. Where

( )43. A. behind B. under C. in

( )44. A. Where’s B. What’s C. It’s

( )45. A. a B. an C. the


A) 选择(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,从每题的A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题。

This is Jack’s room. His bed is near the door. His math book is on the bed. His table is near the bed. His TV set is on it. The telephone is on the table too. His backpack is on the chair. The baseball is under it. His dog is under the sofa. The dog’s photo is on the wall(墙). Oh! Who’s under the bed? It’s Jack.

( )46. What’s on the table?

A. The TV B. The telephone C. The TV and telephone

( )47. Where’s Jack’s dog ?

A. It’s on the wall. B. It’s on the sofa. C. It’s under the sofa.

( )48. Is Jack’s backpack on the bed ?

A. Yes, it is . B. No, they aren’t. C. No, it isn’t.

( )49. Where’s Jack’s baseball ?

A. Under the table. B. Under the chair. C. On the chair

( )50. Is Jack in his room ?

A. No, he isn’t . B. Yes, he is . C. I don’t know.

B) 判断(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读对话,判断下列句子是否符合对话内容,符合的写T,不符合的写F。

Mike: Mother, this my friend, Paul.

Paul: Nice to meet you, Mrs Brown.

Mrs Brown: It’s nice to meet you, Paul .

Mike: And these are my grandparents, Kevin and Emma Brown. That’s my brother , Bob, and this is my cousin, Tim.

Paul: Hello! And is this your sister ?

Mike: Yes, this is Jenny.

( )51. Paul and Mike are brothers .

( )52. Mike and Tim are cousins.

( )53. Kevin and Emma are Mike’s grandparents.

( )54. Jenny is Mike’s sister .

( )55. Mrs Brown is Jenny’s mother.

C) 摘要信息(共5小题,每小题3分)阅读短文,然后完成内容摘要。(每空最多填写三个词)

These are Lucy and Lily. They’re twins(双胞胎).They’re twelve. This is their room. They have one desk and two chairs. Lucy’s chair is yellow and Lily’s chair is red. Lucy’s jacket is on her bed and Lily’s jacket is on the chair. A clock, some books, an eraser and some flowers are on the desk. Lucy’s backpack is on the dresser. A soccer ball is under the bed. A black cat is under Lily’s chair.

Things Where

Lucy’s jacket on the bed

Lily’s jacket 56

a clock, some books, 57 and some flowers on the desk

58 under Lily’s chair

Lucy’s backpack 59

a soccer ball 60



A: Mom, 61.

B: I don’t know. 62.

A: No, they aren’t.

B: Are they in your backpack?

A: 63. Thank you.64.

B: Your baseball ? 65.

B) 翻译(共5小题,每小题2分)阅读下列短文,将文中画线的句子翻译成汉语。

My name is Han Mei. I’m an Chinese girl. 66.My English name is Alice. And my English teacher is Mr Li. His telephone number is 8965325. 67.This red jacket is Mr Li’s. Oh, 68.where is my black jacket? It’s on the chair. An English book is on the desk. 69.It’s not my English book . 70.My English book is in my backpack. Oh, my telephone number is 8695369.






C) 作文(10分)


Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs.


Li Ming


Ⅰ、1-5. BBBBA 6-10. CABBA 11-15. BBABC

16. on the table 17. my books 18. on the chair 19. my keys 20. my pencil

Ⅱ、21-25. BBABB 26-30. AAABA 31-35. BCBAB 36-40. BBABB 41-45. ACABB

Ⅲ、46-50. CCCBB 51-55. FTTTT

56. on the chair 57. an eraser 58. a black cat 59. on the dresser 60. under the bed

Ⅳ、A) AECDB B) 66. 我的英文名字叫艾丽斯。67. 这件红色夹克是李老师的。68. 我的黑色夹克在哪里?69. 那不是我的英语书。70. 我的英语书在我的背包里。

C)Dear Li Ping,

Pease take these things to me: my English book, ruler, notebook and CDs. The English book is on the dresser. The ruler is under the bed. The notebook is on the bed. The CDs are in the drawer .


Li Ming


1. 七年级英语上册综合复习题及答案

2. 初二上册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案

3. 七年级英语测试题及答案

4. 七年级上册英语期中考试试题及答案

5. 七年级上期末英语试题及答案





I .1.people.2.uncle.3.aunt.4.sister.5.grandfather's.









III.1.How many,has.2.haven't.3.Has,any,and,hasn't.4.Has,any,or.5.Kate is in China with her parent.




一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,60分) 1.When a lady customer intends to buy a coat with white stripes,what is she supposed to place an emphasis on if she says to the shop assistant?. A.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” B.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” C.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” D.“I’d like a red coat with white stripes.” 2.Decide on the correct stress pattern of the answer to the question. 一Where did he go next? A.He turned to the left at the end of the street. B.He turned to the left at the end of the street. C.He turned to the left at the end of the street. D.He turned to the left at the end of the street. 3.To the scientists’delight。their efforts have increased people’S__________of the importance of saving water. A.awareness B.commitment C.agreement D.response 4.The word“chronology”contains__________morphemes. A.fbur B.three C.two D.five 5.Judging from her speeches and behaviors,Mary has a strict__________. A.growth B.upbringing C.development D.cultivation 6.__________your valuable help,we couldn’t have finished the experiment ahead of time. A.If it were not for B.Had it not been for C.Were it not for


D.If it has not been for 7.It Was with great joy__________he knew that his GMAT score was 670,high enough to apply to a top university of business. A.when B.which C.what D.that 8.You can sleep on the couch in the lounge,__________you call go to a hotel nearby. A.and B.then C.or D.But 9.In most circumstances,the assumption Of cooperation is 80 pervasive that it can be stated as a cooperative principle of conversation and elaborated in maxims below except__________. A.manner maxim B.quality maxim C.quantity maxim D.agreement maxim 10.Despite differences in conversational style.speakers arehelped by automatic patterns in daily interactions such as“Hi”.“Hi”.known as“ __________ ”. A.adjacency pairs B.preference structure C.dispreference structure D.insertion sequence 1 1.To distinguish sounds,students are encouraged to practice__________. A.minimal paim B.nasal explosion C.constant clusters D.incomplete explosion 12.Which of the following assumptions about vocabulary learning contradicts the modern language teaching theories? A.The best way to learn words is to use them. B.The best way to learn vocabulary is to recite. C.An English dictionary is an important aid to students. D.Learning a word involves learning more than just the word itself. 13.When a teacher intends to introduce a new grammar item,which of the following strategies can be used to get students to notice it? A.Transformation. B.Input enhancement.




满分100分 时间80分钟

一、 单项选择20分

1. –Hi, Lucy. Nice to meet you. –Hi, Jim. _______.

A. Fine, thank you B. Nice to meet you C. Good morning D. How do you do

2. –Do you know how to _______this word? –Yes, B-A-L-L.

A. spell B. read C. see D. meet

3. –Where _______ the socks? --_______ on the bed.

A. is; It’s B. are; They C. are; They’re D. is; It

4. This is my little sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______.

A. She; she B. Her; her C. She; her D. Her; she

5. Please _______ these books to your school.

A. take B. bring C. be D. do

6. There is a puter _______ the desk.

A. on B. in C. under D. for

7. I have a TV. She also _______ a TV.

A. have B. has C. is D. are

8. This song sounds _______ , I like it.

A. good B. bad C. well D. badly

9. –How many _______do you have?–Let me see, my father has two brothers.

A. cousins B. uncles C. sister D. aunts

10. –_______ you _______ TV every day?—Yes, I do.

A. Can; see B. Do; watch C. Is; watch D. Are; see

11. I like apples _______ bananas, but I don’t like pears.

A. or B. and C. so D. because

12. They have hamburgers _______ lunch.

A. at B. on C. in D. for

13. He wants _______ a dictionary in the store.

A. buy B. and buys C. to buy D. buys

14. They like _______ after school.

A. play the basketball B. play basketball

C. to play the basketball D. to play basketball

15. She eats three _______ every day .

A. the tomato B. tomatoes C. tomatoes D. tomato

16. Let’s _______ sports.

A. to play B. plays C. playing D. play

17. This is _______room.

A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy and Lily’s C. Lucy’s and Lily’s D. Lucy’s and Lily

18. Don’t give me so many hamburgers. My _______ is enough.

A. food B. foods C. apples D. vegetables

19. --Do you think the English class _______? --No, we all like it.

A. interesting B. boring C. lot D. a lot

20. –_______? –I like tennis and volleyball best

A. What’s your favorite color B. What’s your favorite sport

C. Do you like tennis or volleyball D. Can you play volleyball well?


Today is Sunday. Brother and I 1 at home. We 2 to carry two boxes into the room. 3 box is big, but it’s light. My brother’s box is 4 , but heavy. We put 5 on the table. We can see 6 clothes in the boxes, but my 7 aren’t in them. I 8 find my socks. Brother can 9 me to find them. They’re under the bed. I must look 10 my things. We put the 11 boxes away. The chair is 12 . Brother and I can mend修理it. After that, we 13 basketball 14 the playground操场. We are very happy, we 15 this Sunday.

1. A. be B. am C. is D. are

2. A. look B. want C. know D. meet

3. A. I B. my C. He D. His

4. A. *** all B. big C. heavy D. light

5. A. it B. they C. them D. him

6. A. an B. a C. some D. the

7. A. books B. pens C. socks D. desks

8. A. can’t B. not C. no D. isn’t

9. A. find B. help C. see D. meet

10. A. in B. at C. on D. after

11. A. one B. two C. three D. four

12. A. new B. broken坏了 C. black D. white

13. A. do B. do the C. play D. play the

14. A. in B. on C. at D. for

15. A. don’t do B. don’t like C. do D. like



This is Cara and Ben. They are twins双胞胎. They are twelve. This is their bedroom. It’s a nice room. There are two beds in the room. The yellow bed is Cara’s and that green one is Ben’s. The twins have one desk and two chairs. The chairs look the same. Cara’s sweater is on his bed. Ben’s coat is on his chair. Their clock, books and pencil-cases are on the desk. Their school bags are behind the chairs.

1. Cara and Ben are ________.

A. brother and sister B. brothers C. sisters D. friends

2. Cara and Ben have ________.

A. two chairs and one desk B. two desks and one chair

C. two chairs and two desks D. one desk and one chair

3. Cara’s ________ is yellow and Ben’s ________ is green.

A. chair; bed B. sweater; sweater C. bed; chair D. bed; bed

4. Cara’s sweater is ________.

A. on his bed B. on Ben’s bed C. on the chair D. on the desk

5. Which is right?

A. Their class is very nice.

B. Their two beds look the same.

C. Their school bags are under the chairs.

D. They live in the same room.


Hi, I’m Brian. This is the photo of my family. My grandfather is with glasses. He has little hair. The one standing next to him is my uncle. He is wearing a cap. My grandmother has gray hair. She is a kind woman. She is holding my younger brother. He has short curly hair. The woman standing behind me is my mom. She has straight brown hair. There is a little girl sitting on the table. Her name is Cathy. She is my sister. She is wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of green socks. It’s her favorite color. Which one is my father? Well, he is wearing glasses, too. He is in brown shorts and brown shoes. His name is Sam. Now, do you know where he is?

6. How many people are there in the passage?

A. Five. B. Six. C. Seven D. Eight

7. What is Cathy’s favorite color?

A. Green. B. Black. C. Yellow. D. White.

8. How many children do Brian’s parents have?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four

9. Who is wearing glasses?

A. Brian and his father. B. Brian.

C. Brian’s grandpa and uncle. D. Brian’s grandpa and father.

10. Which is NOT true?

A. Brian has one uncle in the picture.

B. Brian’s younger brother has long curly hair.

C. Brian’s grandfather doesn't have much hair.

D. Brian’s sister wears a green T-shirt.


There is a big supermarket超市 near Mrs. Green’s home. She usually goes there to buy food. The shop assistants are polite有礼貌的and helpful. The things are cheap, too.

One day, Mrs. Green goes to the supermarket. She buys some noodles. Biscuits饼干are also their children’s favorite food. And she buys some milk. Her children always have milk for breakfast. Mimi likes fish and Tim likes hot dogs. She buys some fish and sausages香肠for them, too. Mrs. Green doesn't have any rice at home. So she buys a bag of rice, but she can’t take it. It is very heavy. Her hu *** and, Mr. Green is ing to the supermarket and carry搬运the rice.

11. Where’s the supermarket?

A. In Mrs. Green’s house. B. Near Mrs. Green’s house.

C. Under the street. D. In the mall商业街.

12. Who likes biscuits?

A. Mrs. Green and Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green and Tim.

C. Mrs. Green and Mimi. D. Tim and Mimi.

13. Mimi likes _______.

A. fish B. hot dogs C. rice D. vegetable

14. Does Mrs. Green buy a bag of rice?

A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn't .

C. Yes, she is. D. We don't know.

15. Who helps Mrs. Green take the rice?

A. Mr. Green. B. Mrs. Green. C. Mimi. D. Tim.


Please look at my family photo.

Those are my grandparents. These are my parents. My mother is Susan. She likes red. She likes apples for breakfast. And she often plays ping-pong. That is my brother. His name is Jack. He doesn’t like red. He just likes white. He often has milk for breakfast and then plays soccer. Now this is me. my name is Tony. I like blue very much. My sweaters, my T-shirts, my pants, my shoes are all blue. For my breakfast, I like eggs. I don’t like soccer. It’s so boring. I just like tennis. It’s so fun. This is my family. I love my family.

Name Likes

Color For breakfast Sports

Susan 16______ apples 17_______

Jack white 18_______ soccer

Tony 19______ eggs 20________



Waiter: Can I help you?

Clark: Yes, 1________

Waiter: Would you like salad? 2________

Clark: OK! A vegetable salad, too.

Waiter: What fruit do you want, oranges or bananas?

Clark: 3________ I like strawberries.

Waiter: Let me see. 4________

Clark: And I like a chocolate ice cream as my dessert.

Waiter: Anything else?

Clark: No, that’s all.

Waiter: OK. 5________

A. I’ll bring them soon.

B. I don't like bananas or oranges.

C. Sorry, we don't.

D. Yes, we have strawberries.

E. Our vegetable salad is very good.

F. Wele to our shop.

G. I would like some chicken.


speak, wear, eat, with, is , run, work, are, have, talk, play, like

Mr. White is from the USA. He 1_____ our English teacher. His classes are very funny. We all 2______ him. There 3_______ four people in Mr. White’s family: Mr. White , his wife and his two sons---Tom and Jim. Mrs. White can 4______Chinese well, and she 5_______ in a hospital 医院. Tom and Jim are in our class. They are twins双胞胎, but they are different. Tom is tall and he likes 6_______ blue T- shirts. Jim is short and he often wears black shirts. However然而, they both 7______ soccer well. After school, we often 8______a soccer game. Sometimes, Mr. White plays 9______ us. But he can’t 10______ fast because he is too heavy. He plays soccer just for fun.


假如你是Lisa,到学校后发现你的英语书,钢笔以及一串钥匙忘在了家里。 你需要写张便条给妹妹Amy,让她帮你带到学校来英语书是蓝色的,在书桌上; 钢笔是黑色的,在抽屉里; 钥匙可能在梳妆台上。要求字数不少于40词。


一.1.B 2.A3.C 4.D5.A

6.A 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B

11.B 12.D 13.C 14.D15.C

16.D 17.B18.A19.B20.B

二、1. D2. B3. B4. A5.

C6. C7. C8. A9. B 10.

A11. B12. B13. C 14. B 15. D



1.B 2.A 3.D4.A 5.D


6.D7.A8.C 9.D 10.B


11.B12.D13.A 14.A 15.A


Name Likes

color for breakfast sports

Susan 16. red apples 17. Ping-pong

Jack white 18. milk soccer

Tony 19. blue eggs 20. tennis


1.G 2.E 3.绿色圃中小学教育网 原文地址 4.D 5.A

1. is 2. like 3. are 4. speak 5. works 6. wearing 7. play 8. have 9. with10. run


Dear Amy,

I leave my English book, a pen and a set of keys at home. Please bring these things to me when you e to school. My English book is blue, it is on my desk. The pen is black and it’s in the drawer. And maybe the keys are on the dresser.



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