
















汉语往往用"被""受""给"等被动词来表示被动意义 。被动语态由“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。被动语态的时态变化只改变be的形式,过去分词部分不变。疑问式和否定式的变化也如此。


下面口诀就以动词“do”为例,即“do、did”过去式“done”过去分词,以口诀形式总结各种时态的被动态。一定对你有所启示。 当然了,被动语态也可以概括为“be done”。也就是“be+过去分词”。





一.选择合适的句子,将对活补充完整,将字母编号填写在横线上,(20分) 联系上下文 根据问句或答句

Jack: Hello, this is Jack!

ZhangPeng:This is ZhangPeng.


Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on.

Zhang Peng: C_______________________________________________

Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming.

ZhangPeng: Hi,John.


John: I go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.

ZhangPeng: It is early.


John: I get up at 6:00.

Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?

John: ___F________________________________________

二.阅读短文,选择正确的选项(20分) 找问题中的关键词(如 时间 人物 地点 事物)

Today is the first day of a week. I get up at 6:15 a.m. My mom usually cooks breakfast for me. I eat breakfast at 6:40 a.m. Then I do morning exercises. And go to school at 7:20 a.m. We have classes from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30p.m. Then we can play sports, play chess and clean the classroom. We often go home at 5:30p.m. At that time, my father is reading a newspaper, my mom is cooking dinner. They are all waiting for me. It is a normal (普通的)day in my life.

( Sunday )1. What day is it today? It’s __________.

A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Friday

( C )2. Who cooks breakfast for you in the morning? _________.

A. Myself B. Dad. C. Mom

( A )3. What do you usually do at 2:00p.m.? I usually _______.

A. have classes B. play sports C. have lunch

( C )4. Which one don’t you do after class? I don’t _________.

A. clean the classroom B. go home. C. fly kites

( B )5. What is your father doing at 5:30 p.m.? He is __________.

A. cooking dinner B. reading a newspaper C. eating dinner

三.根据上下文,用合适的词填空。(20分) 根据语言环境,找剧中的关键词 如是动词,先确定时态(现在进行时 一般现在时 过去时)

( on , Happy, my , birthday, classmates, July, in , cake , day, books , you , good )

My birthday is July 31st, it is the lastdayof July. This year it is on Sunday. My parents hold a birthday party at home. I invite my classmates to come to the party. At the party, they give my many lovely presents. Such as _ birthday _cards, interesting books, pens. They sing a Happy Birthday to me. I am so happy. My mother buys a big cake for me. I cut the cake into small pieces and give them out. We have a good time at the party.

四.根据答句写出问句(20分) 根据答句的形式,确定问句是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句,如是特殊疑问句,找句中的替代部分,予以提问,相当于改句

1. What are they doing in the classroom ?

They are doing an experiment in the classroom.

2 what do you would like for breakfast?

I would like to have some milk for breakfast.

3.When is Teather’s Day?

Teachers’ Day is on Sep 10th .

4. What do they often do on Sunday-?

They often go hiking on Sundays.

5. Which class do you like best?

We like math class best.

五.小作文。假设你是Bob, 今天是你的生日,发挥你的想像, 用几句话描述一下你是怎么过的,不能少于五句话。(20分)




学校 班级 姓名________ 成绩

听 力 部 分

一. 看图听句子,判断图片是否与所听到的内容一致, 一致的在括号中用“√”表示,不一致的用“×”表示。

1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. ( )


三. 听录音,根据听到的内容选择恰当的选项,将标号填在括号里。

学校里来参观团,李艳接待一位朋友Mark。请根据对话完成1,2 小题.

( ) 1. A. B. C.

( ) 2. A. B. C.

首先, 李艳带领Mark 参观学校. 请根据对话完成3, 4 小题

( ) 3.A. B. C.

( ) 4. A. B. C.

然后,李艳又带Mark 参观了教室,请根据对话完成5, 6 两题.

( ) 5. A. B. C.

( ) 6. A. B. C.

最后一天,李艳带Mark 到了奥运商品专卖店,准备买些礼物送给Mark。

( ) 7. A. B. C.

( ) 8. A. 68 B. 300 C. 340

四. 根据听到的故事内容,将下列图片排序,将序号填在括号里。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( 1 ) ( )

五. 根据图中男孩的自我介绍,将信息卡补充完整。

Name: ________

Age(年龄): ________

Often do in art club: __________

Favourite animal: ________

Favourite sport: ________



校名 班级 姓名 成绩

笔 试 部 分


( ) 1. A. sheep B. calf C. lamb D. foal

( ) 2. A. radio B. recorder C. towel D. walkman

( ) 3. A. fever B. cough C. toothache D. hospital

( ) 4. A. hockey B. sports C. rugby D. volleyball

( ) 5. A. observe B. borrow C. experiment D. make


A. go to a concert B. do maths problems C. study a farmer’s work

D. play hockey E. do exercises F. do project work G. borrow books

H. observe things I. climb up a ladder J. make things

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


( ) 1. Kate ______ ill. She can’t ______ school today.

A. is, goes to B. is, go C. is, go to

( ) 2. We often have performances ______ the meeting hall ______ Children’s Day.

A. in, on B. on, on C. in, in

( ) 3. ______ do you like science field trips?

We like them very much.

A. What B. How C. Why

( ) 4. Can I help you?

Yes, I ______ buy a lamp.

A. want to B. want C. wants

( ) 5. ______ there a library in your classroom?

No, there ______.

A. Are, aren’t B. Is, isn’t C. Is, is

( ) 6. We often do ______ in the science lab.

A. experiments B. exercises C. listening

( ) 7. How much are the ______?

______ are sixty –five yuan.

A. T-shirt, They B. shirt, It C. shorts, They

( ) 8. ______ and ______ are my favouite animals.

A. Puppy, kitten B. Puppies, kittens C. Pig, piglets

( ) 9. Where ______ Yang Ming often ______ hockey?

A. do, play B. does, plays C. does, play

( ) 10. Here ______ some strawberries for you.

A. is B. are C. am

九. 读句子,找出与句子内容相符的单词,将其标号填在括号内。

( ) 1. They are very cute. Their mother often helps people catch mice. What are they?

A. puppies B. kittens C. goslings

( ) 2. They are brothers. But they never see each other. They like radios. What are they?

A. ears B. eyes C. arms

( ) 3. There are many desks and chairs in it. You can borrow books from it.

A. library B. classroom C. language lab

( ) 4. Tom is ill. His mother takes him to the dentist. What’s wrong with him?

A. headache B. stomachache C. toothache

( ) 5. You often play this game on the field. There are usually 11 players in each team.

A. basketball B. football C. volleyball

十. 根据情境选择句子,并将其标号填写在括号内。

( ) 1. --- What’s wrong with you?

--- _________________ .

A. You should go to see a doctor B. I have a cold C. Don’t worry

( ) 2. --- ___________________ ?

--- They are ninety-eight yuan.

A. How much is it B. How many books are there C. How much are they

( ) 3.--- ___________________ ?

--- We can call it a kid.

A. What do we call it B. What can we call it C. What is it

( ) 4. --- How do you like science?

--- ____________________ .

A. It’s interesting B. I like it very much C. I have two

( ) 5.--- What are these?

--- ___________________ .

A. They are strawberries. B. It’s good. C. Yes, it is.


Sam lives on a farm in the north of England. Every day he gets up and helps his father before he goes to school. On the farm, there are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep! Sam has some chickens and in the mornings, he puts all the eggs in a basket for his mother. Sam would like to have a goat because the milk is very good for you. After breakfast, Sam goes to school. It is ten kilometers from his home. He goes on a bus with a lot of other children from the village. Sometimes it snows and the bus can’t come. Sam likes that!

( ) 1. Sam lives on a farm in America.

( ) 2. There are three pigs, twenty cows and two thousand sheep on the farm.

( ) 3. Sam goes to school by bike.

( ) 4. Sam would like to have a goat because the milk is very good for you.

( ) 5. Sam likes snow.

十二. 读短文,按要求完成下列任务。

My Uncle Jim

Hello. My name is Richie. Let me tell you about my Uncle Jim. He’s my favourite uncle. He’s tall. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He’s 34 years old. He likes wearing his red and yellow shirt. It’s the shirt of his favourite soccer team.

Uncle Jim loves soccer and fishing. He comes to visit us every Sunday. Every time he comes to visit, we play soccer together in the park. And sometimes, he takes me fishing by the river.

When we catch some fish, we bring them home. Then Uncle Jim stays for dinner. He likes to cook the fish for us all to eat. Uncle Jim is a good cook. He is almost as good as my mom! While we’re eating dinner, he tells funny stories about fishing and soccer. He makes me laugh. My uncle Jim is a funny man.

Task 1 根据短文提供的信息,选择正确答案,将标号填入题前括号内。

( )1. Why does Uncle Jim like wearing his red and yellow shirt?

A. because Richie gave it to him

B. because it’s the shirt of his favourite soccer team

C. because he has red hair

( ) 2. Why do Richie and Uncle Jim go to the park every Sunday?

A. to play soccer

B. to catch fish

C. to watch Uncle Jim’s favourite soccer team

( ) 3. Why does Uncle Jim stay for dinner when they catch some fish?

A. Because he likes to watch the soccer on TV

B. Because he likes the way Richie’s mom cooks the fish

C. Because he likes to cook the fish for Richie’s family.

Task 2 仿照例句,结合自己的实际情况,把下列句子补充完整。

Uncle Jim loves soccer and fishing. He tells funny stories about fishing and soccer.

Uncle Jim is a funny man.

Circle the people you choose(圈出你想写的人物)

My mother/father/uncle/aunt or ________ loves_______ and_________.

My is ______________ .



听 力 部 分(30%)


1.We call it a gosling.(×) 2.What a lovely puppy!(×)

3.This photo shows our classroom.(×) 4.We can play hocky on the field.( ×) 5.How much are those jeans? They are 20 yuan.( ×) 6.What`s the matter with him? I don`t know.( √)


1. ---Is that a foal over there?

---Yes,it is.

2. ---Can kittens climb up a tree?

---Yes, they can .

3. ---How often do you come to the library?

---Twice a week.

4. ---How do you like art field trips?

---I don`t like them.

5. ---Can I speak to Miss Wang ,please?

---This is Miss Wang speaking.

6. ---Can I help you ?

---I want to buy a telephone.

(2 6 1 4 5 3 )



LiYan : Hello, Mark. Welcome to our school. I’m LiYan. Where are you from?

Mark: Hello, LiYan. I come from Australia. Here’s a gift for you.

LiYan: Oh, what a lovely baby kangaroo.

Mark: We don’t call it a kangaroo.

LiYan: What do you call it?

Mark: We call it a joey. (A, B)

首先, 李艳带领Mark 观学校.

LiYan: Look, Mark. This is our sports field.

Mark: Oh, it’s big. What do you often do on the field.?

LiYan: We often play volleyball and basketball on the field.

Are there any ball games in your school?

Mark: Certainly. Our school is famous for rugby. (A, B)

然后,李艳又带Mark 参观了教室

LiYan: This is our classroom. This is our mini-library and that is our science corner.

Mark: What do you do in your science corner?

LiYan: We do experiments and observe things.

Mark: Is that your computer corner?

LiYan: Yes,it is. (B, B)

最后一天,李艳带Mark 到了奥运商品专卖店,准备买些礼物送给Mark.

Salesman: Welcome to our shop. What can I do for you?

Liyan: Can I have a look at those Fuwa?

Salesman: Here you are.

Liyan: Mark, which one do you like?

Mark: I like the red one.

Liyan : Oh, we call it Huanhuan in Chinese.

How much is it, sir?

Salesman: It’s 68 yuan. But it’s 300 yuan for all these five.

Liyan: Oh, that’s good. I’ll take five. Here’s the money.

Salesman: Thank you. (B, B)

四. 据听到的故事内容,将下列图片排序,将序号填在括号里。(1×5=5分)

I’m Mary. I’m Australian. I have a best friend Tina. She’s from New Zealand. We are in the same school. Our school is beautiful. Our classroom is very big. We have a science corner, an English corner and a mini-library in my classroom. Tina and I like English. We often speak English at English corner. But today I don’t speak English at the English corner because Tina has a fever. I want to buy some berries and flowers to see her. I hope she will get well soon.



Hello. My name is Jon, J-o-n, Jon. I am 11/eleven years old. I love animals. My favourite animal is ducklings. They are very cute. At school, we have many clubs. We often paint in art club. I can paint very well. Boys like playing basketball and it’s my favorite sport.

笔 试 部 分(50%)

六.(1×5=5分) A C D B C



七. (1×10=10分)

八. (1×10=10分) C A B A B A C B C B

九. (1×5=5分) B A A C B

十. (2×5=10分) B C B B A

十一. (1×5=5分)

× √ × √ ×

十二. (5分)

Task 1 (1×3=3分) B A C

Task 2 (1×2=2分)


听力图片打不上了*_* *_* *_*(万分sorry),笔试还能用^_^ ^_^ ^_^(万幸万幸),只是第7题还有图片,又打不上了*_* *_* *_*(5555555......)


答案 是 第一题.第一小题3.小题二.24 小题三. 四1 五无限 六.13和15 七.2 八是3 第2大题答案. 三是XX√√

求文档: 沧州市实验小学冀教版五年级下册英语期末复习资料

五年级第二学期英语 Unit 1 复习资料

一、单词和词组 look look out

look inside see point to/at

quiet—loud quick/fast—slow


laugh—cry son—daughter boy—girl little some snack now know

同音词too 和two I和eye write和right by和buy draw—drawing talk—talking cry—crying look—looking point—pointing sleep—sleeping smile—smiling write—writing


leave—leaving give---giving have--having

sit—sitting put—putting swim—swimming

cut—cutting shop—shopping skip—skipping

an elephant

an eraser

an egg

an apple an orange

an e-mail an envelope an umbrella

don't sing don’t know don’t talk have fun tall—taller short—shorter big—bigger small--smaller 二、句型

1 、Look! I see a big brown cow/a little red school. 2、He is singing a song to your mother.

3、What is Danny doing now? He is sleeping. 4、Who is singing? It’s Danny.

5、The woman is sitting behind Jenny on the train.. 6、What would you like to eat/drink?

7、Would you like some tea? Yes, please. / No, thanks. 8、The tea is too hot to drink. / You are too young to go.

9、May I play with the baby? Sure (Yes, you may.) / No, you may not.

10、Let’s take a train. Let me help you take a picture. 11、Are you ready for a quiz?

12、We have a good(great) trip to Beijing. 13、Li Ming is taller than Jenny.

Unit 2 复习资料


film camera picture many people everyone child—children man—men woman—women boy—boys




that—those wolf—wolves sheep—sheep leaf--leaves easy—hard quiet—quietly loud—loudly quick—quickly happy—happily sad—sadly

scared tired feel find poor about beautiful care—careful

go shopping How old come on bandage become restaurant hotel 二、句型

1、This is a man. These are men.

2、Who is tired and hungry? Everyone is tired and hungry.

3、There are many people in the Beijing train station. 4、Can you find the children playing cards? 5、These children are playing cards. 6、They walk quickly/slowly. 7、They take a cab to their hotel.

8、The street has many cars, buses and trucks. 9、I see some children flying kites on the square. 10、Let’s put a bandage on your arm. 11、We are going to the Palace Museum. 12、Film goes in the camera.

13、May I help you take a picture/write it?

14、Here’s a bandage for your nose. 15、Let’s look inside the window. 16、Danny breaks his tail.

17、Danny and Jenny walk slowly to Wangfujing. 18、How do you go to school? 19、How can I go to the library

Unit 3 复习资料


some postcard letter e-mail stamp envelope computer paper picture hall shop hotel ticket address buy write send top bottom left right corner on the left on the right in the corner in the top, right corner a picture of send my father an e-mail write a letter to my mother different the same 二、句型

1、I want to buy some postcards. 2、A postcard has a picture on it. 3、It has a picture of the Palace Museum. 4、The panda is drinking tea. 5、It’s funny.

6、How much for this envelope? I’ll take nine, please. 7、I want to send this postcard to my brother. 8、This is the top(bottom left right) of the envelope. 9、Where do you write on the postcard?

10、Where do you put the address / stamp on the postcard? 11、Write the day first.

12、I’m writing a letter to my friend.

13、Can you point to the bottom of the envelope? 14、Li Ming needs a stamp for his letter. 15、I can buy stamps at the post office. 16、Do you know where the post office is? 17、Where are you sending your letter? 18、Do you need stamps? 19、You live with your mother.

20、Your address and her address are the same. 21、Is my address 942 Ninth Avenue? 22、I have a friend in Canada. 23、Does the hotel have a computer? 24、Let’s see if the hotel has a computer.

25、I am coming home to Canada on February sixth.

Unit 4 复习资料

一、单词和词组 want—wanted



jump—jumped look—looked talk—talked walk—walked miss—missed shop—shopped

like—liked live—lived cry—cried study—studied go—went see—saw eat—ate is/am—was are—were do—did have—had happen—happened hurt—hurt write—wrote fall—fell break—broke buy—bought come—came sit—sat drink--drank

give—gave swim—swam say—said leave—left run—ran feel—felt sleep—slept get—got 二、句型

1、What did you do yesterday? I went to a restaurant yesterday.

2、Did you have fun yesterday? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. 3、We saw people flying kites. 4、I have/buy a gift for you.

5、I was taking a picture with Jenny’s camera.

6、Danny and I have some pictures from our trip to Beijing. 7、This is Jenny and me at our hotel. / on the train. 8、How did you go to Tian’anmen Square? By bus. 9、It’s too small/big for me, but it’s just right for you. 10、Do you like it? Yes, I do. It’s wonderful. 11、It’s a letter from Ling Ming.

12、Show your green card for the right answer and your red card for the wrong answer.

13、I liked going to Wangfujing to buy gifts. 14、Let’s put it above the desk. 15、I talked to many store clerks.


一.听音,选出所听到的内容,把序号写在括号内 (10 分)

( )1.A.candle B.catch C.match D. watch

( )2.A.leave B.leaves C.leaf D.knife

( )3.A.talk B.walk C.take D.wake

( )4.A.down B.under C.London D.town

( )5.A.and B.ant C.at D.hand

( )6.A.glass B.grass C.glasses D.classes

( )7.A.taking pictures B.drawing pandas

C.drawing pictures D.drinking water

( )8. A.swing B. swim C. sleep D.which

( ) 9. A.jumping B. fighting C. climbing D.walking

( )10.A. October B. November C. December D.September

二.听音,补全对话,( 10 分)

1.What are you ______,Chen Jie ?

I'm _____ dinner.

2.Do you like _____?

No, ______ is my favourite season.

Because I can _____ kites.

3. When is your birthday ?

My birthday is ______ _________.

4.Look at the pandas.

Are they ______ ? No, they are ______.

5.It’s time to _____. Where is John ?


( ) Because I can plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

( ) Spring .

( ) What’s your favourite season ,Sarah ?

( ) Why do you like winter ?

( ) Winter .

( ) Because I can skate .

( ) Why do you like spring ?


( )1. What are they doing ?______

A They’re jumping B They’re climbing

( )2 . When do you paly sports?______

A At 4:15 B At 4:35

( )3. What are you doing ?_________

A I’m doing the dishes B I’m takinging pictures



例:spring summer fall

monkey ________ _________ Oct. _________ _________

swing _______ _________ uncle __________ __________

3rd __________ __________


( )1.A . spring B . season C. summer D. fall

( )2.A. what B. when C. week D. where

( )3.A. hot B. cold C. weather D. warm

( )4.A. eat B. teacher C. music D. English

( )5.A. elephant B. monkey C. eleven D. tiger


1.cook_____2.watch________3.collect__________4.read ______5.write_______ .eat________7.run_________8.swim___________9.take________10.play_______

四.选择填空.(10分) 新课标第一网

( )1._____is Sarah? She is in the car.

A .What B. Where C .That

( )2. The elephants often ________ water with ________ trunks .

A drinking … it's B drinking … their C drink … their

( ) 3.They are _______the insects carefully .

A. watch B. watching C. watches

( ) 4.A rabbit is ______on the grass(草地)。

A. running B .run C. runing

( ) 5.Can I speak _____Chen Jie ,please ?

A.to B. with C. at

( ) 6.It is August the _______ today.

A. twenty B. twentyth C. twentieth

( ) 7.Why do you like summer best ? ______ I can swim in the lake.

A. Because B. So C. And

( ) 8. Some ______ are in the basket. Some ______ are in the woods.

A. tomatos butterflies B. tomatoes butterflies C. tomatoes butterflys

( ) 9. I have some beans. _________ you?

A. What about B. How are C. Why do

( ) 10. Thank you _____telling me about your day .

A. at B. to C. for


1. go to bed When you do


2 .season do you which like best


3. your mother’s When birthday is


4. answering the phone Amy is


5. cooking ,Mum ,is, dinner, kitchen ,in, the



( )1.Why do you like winter? A.October 18th.

( )2. What’s the date ? B.Because I can skate.

( )3.Can I speak to your mom,please? C.I like apples.

( )4.What’s the elephant doing? D.It’s walking.

( )5.Which fruit do you like? E.Sure.Hold on,please.

七.根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,将A.B.C.D .E序号填到横线上。 (5分)

A.I’m watching TV.. B. What is your cat doing?

C. He’s reading a newspaper. D. Can I ask you some questions?

E. What is your mother doing?

Jack: Hello. This is Jack. ___________

Child: Sure.

Jack: What are you doing?

Child: ___________.

Jack: ___________

Child: She’s cooking dinner.

Jack: What is your father doing?

Child: ___________

Jack: ___________

Child: It’s watching the fish in the fishbowl.

Jack: Thank you.

Child: You're welcome. Bye.


Today I have many things (事情) to do. It’s Sunday and it’s a nice day. I get up at five o’clock and then I do morning exercises. I like spring, because in spring I can hear(听) the birds singing and the flowers are beautiful. In the afternoon I go to the park with my friends and have a picnic there. It’s a pretty day!


1. It is a rainy day. ( )

2. I get up at 7 o’clock. ( )

3.Spring is my favourite season. ( )

4. I see many animals in the afternoon. ( )

5. I have a picnic with my friends. ( )


My sister likes spring best .Because she can plant trees .The weather is windy and warm .But I don’t like it .I like winter .I can make a snowman .Now , It’s fall .My mother’s favourite season is fall .

( ) 1.Does my sister like summmer ?

A .No ,she doesn’t like . B. Yes, she does like summer .

( ) 2.What’s my mother’s favourite season ?

A.Spring B. Winter C. Fall

( ) 3.Which season do I like best ?

A. It’s spring B. It’s winter C. It’s fall

( )4. Why does my sister like spring ?

A.She can plant trees .

B. She can make a snowman.

C. She can climb mountains .

( )5. What season is it now ?

A. It’s fall. B. It’s summer . C. It’s spring .



1. watch 2. leaves 3. walk 4. London 5. ant 6. classes 7. drawing pictures 8. sleep 9. jumping 10. November


1.What are you doing ,Chen Jie ?

I'm eating dinner.

2.Do you like winter ?

No, spring is my favourite season.

Because I can fly kites.

3. When is your birthday?

My birthday is in January .

4.Look at the pandas.

Are they swimming ? No, they are climbing

5.It’s time to go . Where is John ?

三.听音排序, 每小题读两遍。

A : What’s your favourite season , Sarah ?

B : Spring .

A : Why do you like spring ?

B : Because Ican plant trees .Which season do you like best ?

A : Winter .

B : Why do you like winter ?

A : Because I can skate .

四、根据录音中的对话内容,从A或B中选择正确答案, 每小题读两遍。

1. What are they doing ? They’re jumping.

2 . When do you paly sports? At 4:35.

3. What are you doing ? I’m takinging pictur

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