


冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案

好快就要迎来英语测试了,大家都准备好复习工作了吗?让我们来做一张试卷测试一下你的学习水平吧!以下是我整理的冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7测试试题以供大家学习参考。

冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7测试试题

Ⅰ. 单项选择(15分)

( ) 1. I decide _______ my eating habits from now on.

A. change B. changes C. to change D. changing

( ) 2. Eating fruits and vegetables ______ good ______ our health.

A. are; for B. is; for C. are; at D. is; at

( ) 3. I think doing morning ______ helps us keep strong and healthy.

A. exercises B. exercise C. exercising D. exercised

( ) 4. The b all is very ______, but I can throw it ______.

A. heavy; easy B. heavily; easy

C. heavy; easily D. heavily; easily

( ) 5. We all cheered ______ our team ______.

A. for; loudly B. at; loudly C. of; loud D. to; loud

( ) 6. I like skiing ______ than skating.

A. much B. many C. more D. good

( ) 7. —______ do you go to KFC?

—Twice a month.

A. How long B . How many C. How much D. How often

( ) 8. —Where is Lily?

—She is watching the basketball game in the ______.

A. classroom B. gym C. supermarket D. office

( ) 9. I don’t like music at all. I ______ listen to it.

A. sometimes B. often C. usually D. never

( )10. Tom ______ at the sky, but ______ nothing.

A. look; see B. looks; see C. looked; saw D. looking; sees

( )11. Yesterday we played football ______ Class 6. We ______ the game at last.

A. for; won B. against; won C. against; win D. on; won

( )12. I am not good at English, but I never ______.

A. give up it B. give it up C. wake it up D. wake up it

( )13. — Did Jim ______ in the swimming pool yesterday?

—Yes, he did.

A. has fun B. had fun C. have a fun D. have fun

( )14. ______ sports can make us stay young.

A. Do B. Does C. Doing D. Did

( )15. — Would you like to play ping-pong with me?

— Sorry, I have ______ homework to do today.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

No sports, no life. Sports are very 16 to us. Sports can help us keep 17 and study better.

Everyone in our class 18 sports. Our favourite subject is PE. We only have PE lessons 19 a week but we play sports every day. The most popular sport in our class 20 ping-pong. The boys enjoy playing it and many 21 like it, too. Football is also popular. When the weather is 22 , we often play football outside. We 23 play volleyball because we think it’s so boring.

There is a basketball team in our class. The players are all very 24 . Our team often plays against other teams. We usually go to 25 the matches. It’s very exciting.

( )16. A. sad B. important C. bad D. heavy

( )17. A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. healthily

( )18. A. loves B. meets C. visits D. hates

( )19. A. two B. third C. three D. twice

( )20. A. is B. are C. were D. be

( )21. A. boys B. girls C. sisters D. brothers

( )22. A. rainy B. windy C. fine D. snowy

( )23. A. usually B. always C. never D. often

( )24. A. unhealthy B. strong C. heavy D. light

( )25. A. ask for B. cheer for C. look at D. look out

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


What do you usually do after class? When cla ss is over, most students in my class go out to relax (放松). We have a twenty-minute break (休息) between classes. Look! Some students are in the playground. They are having a basketball match. A boy is running with a ball and another is trying to stop him. They are so cool (酷的).

Some girls are watching the match. Some students are in the classroom. They are talking with each other. A few of them are reading English. A girl is looking at the birds in a tree outside the classroom. She must be thinking of something interesting because she looks very happy. What are the teachers doing now? In their offices, some of them are preparing for the next class, and some are talking with their students. Everyone is busy. They are all good teachers.

( )26. The passage is about ______ at school.

A. students

B. teachers

C. a basketball match

D. the break time between classes

( )27. The students have a ______ break according to the passage.

A. twenty-minute B. ten-minute

C. twelve-minute D. fifteen-minute

( )28. You can’t see the students ______ during the break.

A. in the cl assroom

B. in the office

C. in the playground

D. in the library

( )29. The teachers are ______ in the office.

A. p reparing for the next class or talking with their students

B. watching a basketball match

C. reading newspapers

D. playing with their students

( )30. Which of the following is TRUE about the passage?

A. The students in the playground are all boys.

B. There is only one bird in the tree outside the classroom.

C. You can’t see any students in the classroom.

D. Teachers are all very busy.


We did a survey (调查) about students’ activities. There are 2,000 students in No. 2 Middle School. Here are the results.

The survey of activities in No. 2 Middle School

Activities Every day Once or twice a week Three or four times a week

Watching TV 70% 10% 20%

Surfing the Internet 15% 50% 35%

Doing their homework 90% 2% 8%

Doing exercises 20% 10% 70%

( )31. ______ of the students in No. 2 Middle School watch TV once or twice a week.

A. 10% B. 15% C. 20% D. 80%

( )32. There are 1,800 students ______ in No. 2 Middle School every day.

A. watching TV

B. surfing the Internet

C. doing their homework

D. doing exercises

( )33. 40 students in No. 2 Middle School do their homework ______.

A. every day

B. on weekdays

C. three or four times a week

D. once or twice a week

( )34. How many students do exercises every day according to (根据) the passage?

A. 400. B. 200. C. 1,940. D. 1,800.

( )35. From the chart we can know that ______.

A. there are 1,800 students in No. 2 Middle School

B. 400 students in No. 2 Middle School watch TV every day

C. 20 students in No. 2 Middle School do exercises every day

D. 200 students in No. 2 Middle School do exercises once or twice a week

Ⅳ. 词汇(10分)

A. 根据括号内所给汉语提示写出单词。

36. I brush my _________ (牙齿) three times a day.

37. We should keep a good study _________ (习惯).

38. Can you guess the ______ (重量) of the stone?

39. I want to know the _______ (真相) of the accident.

40. There are _________ (很少的) eggs in the basket.

B. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. My PE teacher taught us _________ (play) basketball yesterday.

42. Who is the _________ (win) of the long jump?

43. My uncle usually goes _________ (hunt) on weekends.

44. Mike often exercises to stay _________ (health).

45. Don’t_________ (throw) the ball like that.

Ⅴ. 句型转换 ( 10分)

46. He is a very interesting person. (改为感叹句)

_________ _________ interesting person he is!

47. Sally did some cleaning this morning. (改为否定句)

Sally _________ _________ _________ cleaning this morning.

48. Brian put his bike behind the house. (对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ Brian put his bike?

49. I went to the library twice a week last year.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ _________ you go to the library last year?

50. We are ready. We can go to the Great Wall now. (合并为一句)

_________ _________ _________ _________ go to the Great Wall now.

Ⅶ. 根据所给汉语意思完成下列句子。 每空一词。 (10分)

51. 我的父母为了保持身体健康每周锻炼三次。

My parents exercise _________ _________ a week _________ _________ _________.

52. 妈妈告诉我不要熬夜玩电脑游戏。

My mother told me not to _________ _________ to play computer games.

53. 露西和她的奶奶一起度过了一个愉快的周末。

Lucy _________ a happy weekend _________ her grandma.

54. 你准备好放风筝了吗?

_________ you _________ _________ fly a kite?

55. 锻炼帮助我更好的学习。

Exercise _________ me _________ better.

Ⅷ. 任务型阅读。(10分)


My brother Qin Lang likes sports a lot. He t hinks sports are good for his health. Playing sports can make him happy. His favourite sport is table tennis. Do you know why? Because China has many Olympic champions (奥运冠军) in table tennis. He wants to be one of them when he grows up. Qin Lang plays table tennis every day. His teachers are all worried about him. They are afraid that he may fall behind others. But Qin Lang does well in all his subjects. He practises playing table tennis in his free time.

Last Friday afternoon, our school had a table tennis match. Yun Hai and Guo Lei, the best table tennis players in our school, were in the match. Qin Lang did his best, but he lost this time. He came in third, but he didn’t give up. He hopes to win a gold medal (奖牌) one day. Do you believe in him?

( )56. Qin Lang likes _________ so much and he thinks it’s part of his life.

( )57. Qin Lang _________ in all his subjects.

( )58. Qin Lang _________ Yun Hai and Guo Lei last week.

( )59. Qin Lang didn’t _________ even if (即使) he lost.

( )60. Qin Lang wants to become an Olympic champion when he _________.

Ⅸ. 书面表达(15分)


Name Peter John

Exercise every day never

Vegetables 6 times a week twice a week

Fruit every day never

Milk every day twice a week

Junk food(垃圾食品) once a week 4 times a week

Sleep nine hours every day seven hours every day

冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7测试试题答案

1-5 CBACA 6-10 CDBDC 11-15 BBDCB

16-20 BBADA 21-25 BCCBB

26-30 DADAD 31-35 ACDAD

36. teeth 37. habit 38. weight

39. truth 40. few

41. to play 42. once 43. hunting

44. healthy 45. throw

46. What an 47. didn’t do any 48. Where did

49. How often did 50. We are ready to

51. three times; to stay healthy 52. stay up

53. spent; with 54. Are; ready to 55. helps; study

56. table tennis 57. does well 58. played against

59. give up 60. grows up

One possible version:

Peter is very healthy. He exercises every day. He eats vegetables 6 times a day. He eats fruit and drinks milk every day. He eats junk food once a week. Every day he sleeps for nine hours.

John is not healthy. He never exercises. He eats vegetables twice a week. He never eats fruit. He drinks milk twice a week. He eats junk food 4 times a week. He sleeps seven hours a day.

看了冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7测试试题及答案的人还看:

1. 初中英语句子练习题

2. 初中英语阅读理解练习题及答案

3. 初中英语阅读强化练习题附答案

4. 初中英语完形填空练习题答案解析


心态放平和,信心要十足,面对考试卷,下笔如有神,祝你 七年级英语 期末考试考出好成绩!我整理了关于冀教版七年级英语下册期末试卷,希望对大家有帮助!



一. 单项选择 (15分)

( ) 1. My uncle is learning new language on Internet.

A. a; an B. a; the C. the; an D. the; /

( ) 2. — How much is the camera?

— Two yuan.

A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of

( ) 3. There some milk in the glass.

A. has B. have C. is D. are

( ) 4. I computer games on weekends, but now I like playing chess.

A. use to B. used to C. use to play D. used to play

( ) 5. The food in that restaurant looks delicious, but it bad.

A. makes B. tastes C. feels D. sounds

( ) 6. — Do you have a dictionary? I want to some new words in it.

— Yes. Here you are.

A. look out B. look after C. look up D. look over

( ) 7. Now more and more people like drinking tea. Tea culture is becoming

all over the world.

A. easy B. popular C. exciting D. difficult

( ) 8. I noticed Simon under a tree and reading a book.

A. standing B. stands C. to stand D. stand

( ) 9. You will lose the game you give up now.

A. if B. before C. so D. but

( )10. — weather it is today! Let’s go boating.

— Good idea!

A. How a fine B. How fine C. What a fine D. What fine

( )11. We trees next weekend. Would you like to join us?

A. plant B. are planting C. planted D. are going to plant

( )12. David thinks math is and fun. It can help him a lot in his daily life.

A. useful B. boring C. different D. terrible

( )13. — Which team did you play yesterday?

— The Lions. And they won the game at last.

A. to B. at C. on D. against5ykj.com

( )14. , Bill was last to arrive. There was nothing strange about it.

A. For example B. Right now C. As usual D. No problem

( )15. — When did you come to Germany?

— .

A. In two years

B. Two years ago

C. Two years later

D. For two years

二. 完形填空(10分)

Dear Diary,

How are you? How was your 16 ? I had a happy weekend. I 17 a mobile phone museum and learned a lot about mobile phones. Do you know about smart mobile phones (智能手机)? Now they are very popular 18 lots of people are using them.

My brother is a university student. He made some money by doing part-time (兼职的) jobs 19 his holidays. Last week, he 20 a smart mobile phone. It was over 3 000 yuan. I think it was a little 21 . My brother can do many things on it. He can play games, 22 music and watch movies on it. He can 23 and write e-mails on it. And he can also study and work on it. It is really a small 24 ! I think it is cool. I wish to buy 25 , too!

Do you have a smart mobile phone? What do you think of it? Please write to me soon.


Li Hua

( )16. A. English B. weekend

C. father D. school

( )17. A. visited B. reached

C. organized D. saw

( )18. A. only B. or

C. because D. but

( )19. A. behind B. after

C. before D. during

( )20. A. lost B. bought

C. won D. found

( )21. A. main B. awful

C. expensive D. natural

( )22. A. improve B. invent

C. join D. listen to

( )23. A. read books B. go swimming

C. stay healthy D. wake up

( )24. A. library B. school

C. computer D. book

( )25. A. it B. one

C. that D. other

三. 阅读理解 (20分)



The Homework Club is popular in many schools in the U. S. Most students spend their afternoons at these clubs.

Games, computers and TVs are all around at home, so the Homework Club is just a quiet place for them t o do their homework. Teachers there can answer students’ questions and help with their homework. If students finish their homework on time, they will get a snack.

Here’s some information about a homework club. Let’s learn something about it!


Each session (阶段) is four weeks long, Monday through Thursday. You can come to the Bay Laurel Library one day, two, three or four days a week.

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday:

3:00 pm—4:00 pm

Wednesday: 1:30 pm—2:30 pm

Fees (费用)

4 days a week.................... $150.00/session

3 days a week.................... $125.00/session

2 days a week.................... $100.00/session

1 day a week.................... $75.00/session

( )26. Students go to the Homework Club because ______.

A. they can make friends there

B. they can get snacks there

C. they need a quiet place to study

D. they can read books there

( )27. The underlined phrase “on time” means_____ in Chinese.

A. 当时 B. 准时

C. 过时 D. 暂时

( )28. You can go home from the Homework Club after ______ on Tuesday.

A. 4:00 pm B. 3:00 pm

C. 2:30 pm D. 1:30 pm

( )29. Which of the following is TRUE according to the form (表格)?

A. The Homework Club is in the Bay Laurel Lab.

B. You can go to the Homework Club on Fridays.

C. You can go to the Homework Club at 3:00 pm on W ednesday.

D. You’ll pay (付款) $100 for a session if you go to the club 2 days a week.

( )30. Where can we read the passage?

A. In a blog.

B. In a storybook.

C. In a students’ magazine.

D. In a teachers’ magazine.


School Art Festival

Name Show When Where

Lisa playing the guitar 2:00 pm, Monday the music room

Kate singing English songs 3:30 pm, Tuesday the hall

Bruce drawingx§k§b 1 10:00 am, Thursday the art room

Mike singing a Beijing Opera 2:50 pm, Friday the hall

Bill doing

kung fu 8:00 am, Sunday the playground


( ) 31. will play the guitar during the school art festival.

A. Mike B. Bruce

C. Kate D. Lisa

( ) 32. When can the students watch Beijing Opera?

A. At 2:00 pm on Monday.

B. At 3:30 pm on Tuesday.

C. At 10:00 am on Thursday.

D. At 2:50 pm on Friday .

( )33. Bill will on Sunday in the playground.

A. do kung fu B. have a dance

C. do magic D. read a poem

( )34. Where can the students listen to the English songs?

A. In the playground.

B. In the hall.

C. In the art room.

D. In the music room.

( )35. will draw some pictures in the .

A. Kate; hall

B. Bruce; art room

C. Mike; playground

D. Bill; music room

四. 词语运用 (10分)

A. 根据句意及汉语提示完成 句子 。

36. How (幸运的) you are! You can have lunch for free in our restaurant.

37. — Where is the science (展览会)?

— It’s in the school library.

38. Could you (描述) that place to us?

39. Lily didn’t make any (错误) in the math exam.

40. She is 55 years old, but she (仍然) looks beautiful.

B. 用所给单词的恰当形式填空。

41. The park is very beautiful. We will enjoy (our) there.

42. Best (wish) to you and your friends!

43. Can you tell me some tips on how to keep (health)?

44. Linda didn’t have a rest. She kept (work).

45. The (win) of the competition is a very young boy.

五. 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,每空一词。(10分)

46. 我认为丹尼斯能想出一个好主意。

I think Dennis can __________ __________ __________ a good idea.

47. 学会与别人分享是很重要的。

It’s very important to learn to __________ __________ others.

48. 你对这个电影感兴趣吗?

__________ you __________ __________ the movie?

49. 他的弟弟将再也不玩电脑游戏了。

His brother __________ play computer games __________ __________.

50. 轮到你为我们跳舞了。

__________ __________ __________ to dance for us.

六. 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。 (10分)

51. There is some tea in the cup. (改为一般疑问句)

tea in the cup?

52. The Greens went to Paris on holiday last month. (对划线部分提问)

the Greens   on holiday last month?

53. My aunt is looking after my grand-mother these days. (改为同义句)

My aunt is       my grandmother these days.

54. The baby is very lovely. (改为感叹句)

the baby is!

55. He sent an e-mail to his father last Saturday. (用next Saturday改写句子)

He         an e-mail to his father next Saturday.

七. 情景交际(5分)


Tom: Hello, Jack! Will you be free this weekend?

Jack: Hi, Tom! Yes, I have nothing special to do. How about you?5ykj.com

Tom: (56) _______ Would you like to come with us?

Jack: Great! I’d love to. (57) _______ On Saturday?

Tom: Yes. We will leave at 7:00 am.

Jack: Where will we meet?

Tom: (58) _______

Jack: OK, I will get there on time. When will we come back home?

Tom: (59) _______ Why? Do you have lots of homework to do?

Jack: Oh, no. (60) _______ I want to watch it.

A. There will be a wonderful football match on TV at 7:00 pm.

B. We will meet at Pan Yong’s house.

C. We will go hiking.

D. That’s a good idea.

E. We will come back around 5:00 pm.

F. When will we go hiking?

G. How will we go there?

八. 任务型阅读 (10分)

Frank is four years old. In the past, he was a special boy. He didn’t want to play with other children or say any words to others. His parents were worried about him.

However, Billy, a cat, helped Frank get out of his world. When Billy saw Frank, it ran to him quickly. It sat on Frank’s legs. Now they look like two old friends. Billy likes to stay with Frank. They play together, listen to stories together and sleep together. When Frank walks in the garden, Billy always follows him. When Frank is sad, Billy always lies beside him.

Billy is like Frank’s angel (天使). Now Frank is happy every day and he doesn’t have to see a doctor.


61. Frank liked to play games with other children in the past. ( )

62. Frank and Billy now look like ___________.

63. How old is Frank?


64. ____________________________________________________________

65. ____________________________________________________________

九. 书面表达 (10分)

学校生活丰富多彩,有各种各样的俱乐部。请以“My favourite club”为题,根据以下提示写一篇60词左右的短文,来介绍一下你最喜欢的俱乐部。

提示: 1. What is your favourite club?

2. What can you do in the club?

3. Why do you like it best?

My favourite club


1-5 BACDB 6-10 CBAAD 11-15 DADCB

16-20 BACDB 21-25 CDACB 26-30 CBADC

31-35 DDABB

36. lucky 37. fair 38. describe 39. mistakes 40. still

41. ourselves 42. wishes 43. healthy 44. working 45. winner

46. come up with 47. share with

48. Are; interested in 49. won’t; any more

50. It’s your turn

51. Is there any 52. Where did; go 53. taking care of

54. How lovely 55. is going to send

56-60 CFBEA

61. F

62. two old friends

63. He is four years old.

64. However, Billy, a cat, helped Frank get out of his world.

65. 现在弗兰克每天都高高兴兴的,而且他不需要去看医生了。

One possible version:

My favourite club

I’m in three clubs at school, but my favourite club is the music club. I enjoy singing very much. In the club, I can learn lots of new songs and make many friends. The teacher there can also help me sing better. We often have parties in the club. I can have great fun at the parties. It’s really exciting.

冀教版七年级英语下册期末试卷及答案相关 文章 :

1. 七年级英语下学期期末模拟试题冀教版

2. 冀教版七年级上册英语期末试卷及答案

3. 冀教版七年级上册英语期末质量检测题

4. 冀教版初一下册英语Unit 7单元测试题及答案

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