



()12. Trees help__ the air clean.

A. keep B. to keeping   C. keeping t

()13. We _a parrot show in the school this afternoon and it was very interesting .

? A. looked at B. watched C. saw

()14. There_ rubbish in the water and the fish __dead.

A. is; are B. are; is   C. am; is

( )15.--- What about ____ basketball on the playground?

--- All right. Let’s____ now.

A. playing, playing B. play, play C. playing, play



( )1.Don’t litter here! A.Yes, please.

( )2.How to protect our Earth? B.Yes, he does.

( )3.What does that sign mean? C.It’s Thursday.

( )4.What day is it today? D.It means “Wet floor”.

( )5.Can we use too many plastic? E.We should save trees.

( )6.Would you like an egg? F.I’m sorry.

( )7.How was your holiday? G.No, we can’t.

( )8.Does he often waste water? H.Yes , he was.

( )9.What did you do on the farm ? I.It was great fun.

( )10. Was he at home just now? J.We picked some oranges.


1. It’s time ___ (have ) lunch.

2. Miss Li__(buy) some flowers last Sunday.

3. We shouldn’t __( throw) rubbish anywhere.

4. Smoke from factories ___ (make)our city dirty.

5. It means“No (smoke)”.

6. What can we do ____ (keep) the city clean ?

7. The sign on the wall ____ (mean) “No littering”.

8. What happened ? I ____ (lose) my kite just now.

9. Water is useful for us. We use water ___ (clean) things.

10. The floor is wet. Be (carefully).

六、按要求完成下列句子。 (10分)

1. This sign means “No littering”.(对划线部分提问)

____ _ __ ___ this sign mean? .

2. Tom takes the metro to his factory every day. (改为同义句)

Tom __ ____ to his factory ___ metro everyday.

3. He went to the supermarket just now. (否定句)

He ___ ___ to the supermarket just now .

4. We should protect our earth.(改为一般疑问句)

you your earth?

5. makes, park, the, rubbish, messy , dirty, and(.)(连词成句)



____ __ of the energy ___ from coal and oil.

2. 我们可以用纸做玩具。

We can ____ ____ to make toys.


Helen ___ dance when she __ six years old.

4. 你能用“鸡蛋”造句吗? 是的,我昨天吃了一个。

Can you ___ __ “egg” to make a sentence ? Yes . I __ __ an egg yesterday .


It was ___ yesterday. I ___ kites in the park.


A. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Everybody wants to be healthy(健康的). You know food is very important(重要的). There are many healthy foods. You can have more bananas, apples, oranges, tomatoes and carrots because fruits and vegetables are good for you. But don’t eat too much chocolate. It’s not good for you. It’s not good healthy food. Healthy food can make you grow(成长) and make you strong(强壮的)and happy. Remember there is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Sports can also keep you healthy. Get up early and do some sports every day. Don’t be lazy! You will be healthy and happy.

( ? ? )1. Which is right?____

A. Everybody is healthy.?B. We want to be healthy. C. We are important.

( )2. What are vegetables? __.

A. Apples and pears. B. Chocolate and sweets. C. Tomatoes and carrots.

( ? ? )3. Why are healthy foods good for you? ___

A. They make you happy. B. They make you grow strong.

C. They make you grow and make you strong and happy.

( )4. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” means:__

A. The doctor goes away when he sees an apple.

B. The doctor runs away when you give him an apple.

C. You eat an apple every day and you can be healthy.

( ? )5. The word ‘lazy’ means ____?

A. 懒惰的 B. 忙碌的 C. 兴奋的


We can't live without water, but now the water was polluted(污染). It is the big problem(问题). So we must find a way to work this problem out. Water is an important resource(资源). In our daily life, we often leave the tap on after cleaning hands. Sometimes we litter in the river, so the water was polluted by us. I think we should save water. Don’t let the last drop(滴) of water on the Earth becomes our last tear(眼泪).

( ) 1. This passage(短文) is mainly about the air pollution.

( ) 2. We often forget to turn off the tap after cleaning hands.

( ) 3. Water pollution is not the big problem now.

( ) 4. We shouldn’t care about(关心) the water pollution.

( ) 5. If we go on wasting water, there is no water at last.



Our school is big and beautiful. It is often clean .

But sometimes thereis in the corner or on the grass.

In the classroom some of us often on the floor.

What can we do to keep our school clean?

We can ___ _____.

We can _ ____ ___.

We can ____ ___.

We can _ _____.

I hope it can be more beautiful.




小学六年级 英语 完成时间:80分钟

题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ 总分


听力部分( 35分)

Ⅰ、 听辨单词,选出你所听到的句子中的单词。

( ) 1. A. weekend B. week C. what

( ) 2. A. surprise B. special C. speak

( ) 3. A. place B. pleased C. please

( ) 4. A. awake B. around C. about

( ) 5. A. dancing B. different C. difficult



1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. _______ 5. _______


( ) 1. A. It’s four o’clock. B. I’m four.

( ) 2. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, you can.

( ) 3. A. I’m swimming. B. I like swimming.

( ) 4. A. It’s more than two thousand years old. B. It’s ten thousand li long.

( ) 5. A. No, they don’t. B. No, it doesn’t.


( ) 1. I like collecting stamps.

( ) 2. I have got stamps from Canada.

( ) 3. My favourite stamp has got a picture of the Great Wall.

( ) 4. My favourite place in China is Hainan Island.

( ) 5. This stamp is from 1898.

Ⅴ、听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格, 在正确的选项空格中划“√” 。

always often sometimes never every day

watch TV

go shopping

play football

go swimming

clean her room



1、How long is the Great Wall? It’s five thousand ______________ (公里)long.

2、We give ____________(礼物) and send cards .

3、There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and _______________(饭馆)there.

4、He’s from _____________(美国). www.

5、Our school starts at 8 o’clock. It ___________(结束) at half past four.

6、Do you often ______ _______ _____________(整理你的书架)?

7、This old __________________(大楼) is our library.

8、 __________________(袋鼠) like jumping.

9、The UN________ ____ _______ _________ (想要维护和平) in the world.

10、Please __________ ______ (写给) me soon.

11、____________ _______(看)this photo, I was six years old then.

12、What’s this _______ ________________ (用英语)?


( ) 1. The food was different ________ Chinese food in China.

A. for B. from C. of

( ) 2. Do you want _______ my pen pal?

A. to B. be C. to be

( ) 3. I have got some _______of New York.

A. photo B. photos C. photoes

( ) 4. These stamps are _______ China and they ________ from 1988.

A. on , are B. in , are C. from , are

( ) 5. How long does a snake sleep? It ______ for eighteen ______ a day.

A. sleep , hour B. sleeps , hours C. slept , hours

( ) 6. You can ________ to her in English.

A. write B. wrote C. writing

( ) 7. I ______ got a Chinese kite.

A. has B. have C. had

( ) 8. Have you got ________ stamps from China?

A. any B. some C. a

( ) 9. We say thank you ________ all the good _______ we have.

A. for , thing B. from , things C. for , things

( ) 10. They ________ for twelve hours a day.

A. eating B. eats C. eat

Ⅷ、情景反应, 连一连。

1. When does it sleep? A. No, I haven’t.

2. How many hours do you sleep a night? B. No, they don’t. They are deaf.

3. How long is the Great Wall? C. It sleeps in the day.

4. Do snakes love music? D. It’s ten thousand li long.

5. Have you got a book about America? E. I sleep for eight hours a night.


A. answer B. chopsticks C. finish D. difficult E. city

I met Daming here in New York. I like Chinese food and I’ve got some Chinese _______. But they are very _______for me. I am from New York. It’s a very big _______. Please write to me and I will _______ your questions about America. At first, I will ask you a question. When do Chinese schools start and ______?


A. Is China in the UN? B. Haven’t you got buildings like this in China?

C. What’s that? D. Do you want to go inside the UN building?

E. It’s very big and very tall.

Simon: Do you want to visit the UN building? Daming: __________________

Simon: It’s a very important building in New York. Many countries are in the UN.

Daming: _____________ Simon: Yes. China is one of the first countries in the UN.

Daming: Wow! It’s beautiful. __________________ Simon: _________________

Daming: Yes, we have! We’ve got lots of very tall and big buildings in China!

Simon: Really! __________________ Daming: Yes, please.


One day an old man is selling a big camel. A boy comes to the camel and begins to look at it carefully. Then the old man thinks over and says in the boy’s ears, “Don’t say anything about the camel before I sell it .Then I will give you ten dollars(美元).” “All right!” says the boy happily. After the old man sells the camel, he gives the boy ten dollars and says, “Now, can you tell me how you can find out the bad ear of the camel?” “I don’t know which ear is bad,” says the boy. “Then why do you look at the camel so carefully?” asks the old man. “Because I never saw a camel before.” the boy answers.

( ) 1. The old man is selling a big horse.

( ) 2. The old man promises(承诺) to give the boy some money.

( ) 3. The boy feels very happy.

( ) 4.The old man is very kind. He wants to help the boy.

( ) 5. The boy can find out the bad ear of the camel.


请以"My mother"为题,并参照以下提示词:beautiful, nice, kind, years old , have got, can, often, like doing…写写你敬爱的妈妈, 要求不少于50词。

____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________




1、What did you do at the weekend?

2、People put special trees in their homes.

3、Pleased to meet you.

4、A fox sleeps in the day and is awake at night.

5、They are very difficult for me.


1. Christmas is on the 25th of December.

2. My brother has got a Chinese kite.

3. Daming is sending an email to Sam.

4. People put special trees in their homes.

5. The Great Wall is more than 2000 years old.


1. What’s the time?

2. Can I write to her?

3. What are you doing?

4. How long is the Great Wall?

5. Do snakes love music?


My hobby is collecting stamps. I have got stamps from China and America. Look! This is my favourite Chinese stamp. It is a picture of Hainan Island, my favourite place in China. We can see the Five-Finger Mountains and also some coconut trees. This stamp is from 1989.

Ⅴ、听短文,根据短文内容完成下列表格, 在正确的选项空格中划“√” 。

Linda is a pupil in London. She always watches TV every evening. She often goes shopping on Sundays with her mum. She never plays football in the park. She doesn't like it. Sometimes she goes swimming in summer. She cleans her room every day. She says she doesn't want to live in a messy room.




Ⅰ、(2×5=10分) 1. A或C 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.C

Ⅱ、(2×5=10分) B D A E C

Ⅲ、(1×5=5分) ABABA

Ⅳ、(1×5=5分) T F F T F


always often sometimes never every day

watch TV √

go shopping √

play football √

go swimming √

clean her room √



kilometers, presents, restaurants, America , finishes, tidy your bookshelf, building ,

Kangaroos, wants to make peace , write to , Look at, in English

(注意 :共计20个单词,其中画有“_”的9个单词如果没有形式的变化将扣0.5分, 其余单词必须完全拼写准确方可得1分。)

Ⅶ、(1×10=10分) BCBCB ABACC

Ⅷ、(2×5=10分) 1----C , 2-----E , 3-----D, 4----B , 5------A

Ⅸ、(1×5=5分) BDEAC

Ⅹ、(1×5=5分) CAEBD

XI、(2×5=10分) F T T F F

XII、(5分) 答案略。请任教六年级的英语老师批阅作文,并自行把握评分标准,做到心中有数。













1.起床_____________ 2.每天______________

3.上床睡觉___________ 4.做作业_____________

5.一会儿_____________ 6.时差_______________


( ) 1.---_____do you usually go home? ----At six.

A.When B.How C.Why

( )2.Lulu usually gets up early ______weekends.

A.at B.of C.on

( )3.He talks _____her for a moment.

A.in B.for C.with

( )4.I wake up ______six every day.

A.on B.at C.in

( )5.When _______ she go to school?

A.have B.does C.do

( )6.It's five thirty .It's time ________home.

A.go B.to go C.go to

( )7.Lingling usually_______her homework at eight.

A.does b.do C.is doing

( )8.It's only seven twenty _____my clock.

A.by B.in C.on

( )9.She is a worker.She works in a________.

A.school B.hospital C.factory

( )10There is __________ between the two cities.

A.time B.difference C.time difference


1.Do you _________(get,gets)up early every day?

2.I only get up early on _______(weekdays ,weekday).

3.Mr brown is forty _______(years,year).

4.There is time difference between the two _______(city,cities).


( )1.Does you get up before six?

A __________ B __________ C __________

( )2.What do you doing now?

A __________ B __________ C __________

( )3.There is a bride between the two citys.

A __________ B __________ C __________

( )4.When do she usually go to school?

A __________ B __________ C __________

( )5.He do homework at home.

A __________ B __________ C __________


A: Hello,Jack.


A:You're very early today.

B:2.________Do you always come here before six?

A:3.________I usually come here at six thirty.


A:I usually have supper at five thirty.


B:I usually have supper at six.What time does Mary usually come here?

A:She usually comes here at six thirty,too.


1.usually, What , get, you, do ,time , to , school .


2.He always goes to bed at ten.(连词成句).


3.It’s only seven twenty by my clock.(翻译成汉语)


4.The children play football at 4:30 in the afternoon.

________ ________ _______ the children ______football in the afternoon?

5.你通常什么时候起床? 我通常六点起床。

_____________________________ _________________________________


Hello!I’m Mary.I get up at six thirty.Then I wash my face.I have breakfast at seven.I go to school at seven twenty.I go school by bike. Classes begin at eight ten.We have four lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon.Class is over at six.

I get home at six twenty .I have supper at seven .Then I do my homework .Sometimes I watch TV .Then T go to bed at ten.


( )1.Mary gets up at six twenty.

( )2.She has six lessons every day.

( )3.She goes home at six twenty.

( )4.She goes to school by bus.

( )5.She goes to bed at nine.




一、听录音, 选出你所听到的内容 10分

1. A. north B. nose C. mouth

2. A. live B. dive C. drive

3. A. right B. tonight C. night

4. A. ship B. shop C. stop

5. A. writer B. winter C. water

二、听录音, 排顺序 10分

三、听录音,根据问句选答语 10分

1. A. She is strong. B. Yes, she is. C. She is an actress.

2. A. I go by bus. B. I like diving. C. He likes diving.

3. A. He is a worker. B. He works in a school.

C. She works in a bank.

4. A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus

5. A. I’m going to the zoo. B. I’m going at 3 o’clock.

C. I’m going to read books.

It’s east of the cinema.

四、听录音, 把下列句子补充完整 10分

1. The is near to the bookstore.

2. My uncle is a .

3. I write stories. I’m a .

4. —Where does the e from?

—It es from the vapour.

5. —What are you going to do tonight?

—I’m going to buy a .

Writing part60分

五、读一读, 选一选,只填代号 5分


单词 rain ship left ride buy


八、单项选择 10分

1. — can I go to Shanghai?

—You can go by plane.

A. What B. Where C. How

2. In China drivers drive on the ___ side of the road.

A. left B. right C. two

3. She is ____actress. He is ____ policeman.

A. a , an, B. a, a C. an, a

4. It ___ from the clouds.

A. e B. es C. ing

5. Little water drop feels very hot. So it ___________.

A. falls down B. goes up C. goes down

九、读一读,找答语 10分

1.Where is the museum, please?

2. How does Li Lin go to work?

3. Where are you going this weekend?

4. What does your father do?

5. Are you going to the bookstore? A. He is an artist.

B. It’s near the school.

C. Yes, we are.

D. She goes to work by car.

E. I’m going to HongKong.

十、读一读,完成下列题目 5分

I have a good friend. His name is Titi. He is from Canada. His father works in a hospital. He is a doctor. He goes to work by subway.

His mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital, too. She goes to work by bus. Titi and his brother are twins. They look the same, but they are very different. Every morning, Titi goes to school by bike, but Kiki goes to school on foot. Every evening, Titi does his homework. His brother Kiki watches cartoons on TV. Titi usually plays football on Saturday. Kiki usually plays puter games.

1. Where does Titi e from?

A. B. C.

2. What does his father do?

A. teacher B. nurse C. doctor

3. How does Kiki go to school?

A. On foot B. By bike C. By bus

4. Does Titi read newspapers every evening? _______.

A. No, he doesn’t B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, he is.

5. What does Titi usually do on Saturday?

A. He usually plays football on Saturday.

B. He usually makes kites on Saturday.

C. He usually watches TV on Saturday.

十一、写作乐园 6分

寒假就要到了,请给你的笔友Mary写一封信,介绍一下你Liu Hai和家人的爱好、生活及职业等情况,不少于5句话。


一、Listen and choose

1. north; 2. drive; 3. tonight; 4. stop; 5. writer

二、Listen and number

1. —How do you go to work? —My home is far, I often by subway.

2. —What are you going to do on the weekend?

—I’m going to visit Beijing.

3. —What are you going to do this evening?

—I’m going to read a magazine.

4. —What does your uncle do? —He is an engineer.

5. Put the plant in the soil.

三、Listen and choose the right answer

1. —What does she do? —She is an actress on TV.

The questions: What does she do?

2. I like sports. I like diving.

The your hobby?

3. —Where does your sister work?

—She is an accountant, she works in a bank.

The questions: Where does your sister work?

4. Amy: How do you go to school, John?

John: I go to school by bike. What about you , Amy?

Amy: I go to school on foot.

The does Amy go to school?

5. —Where are you going this afternoon?

—I’m going to the zoo.

The are you going to do?

四、Listen and write

1. The library is near to the bookstore.

2. My uncle is a policeman.

3. I write stories. I’m a writer.

4. —Where does the cloud e from? —It es from the vapour.

5. —What are you going to do tonight?

—I’m going to buy a post card.


一.A C B B A

二.1 3 5 4 2

三.C B C A A

四.1.Library 2.policeman 3.writer

4.cloud 5.post card

五.D A B E C

六.D B E C A

七.1.library 2.traffic lights 3.by bike

4.singer 5.salesperson

八.C B C B B

九.B D E A C

十.B C A A A



题号 听力部分 笔试部分 总

一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 十一 十二 十三




一、 听音,圈出相应的图片。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)

1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

7. 8.

9. 10.

二、 听音,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)

( )1. A. Yes, you can. B. You can go by the No. 12 bus.

C. I can go by the No. 12 bus.

( ) 2. A. Yes, it’s far from here. B. Yes, it’s near here.

C. No, it’s far from here.

( ) 3. A. She’s my mother. B. She’s a TV reporter.

C. He’s a cleaner.

( )4. A. I’m going to buy some books. B. I’m going there at 3 o’clock this afternoon. C. I’m going there by bus.

( ) 5. A. No, he does. B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, he does.

三、 听录音,根据录音内容填入所缺的单词。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)

1. do you go to school? I go to school by .

2. Where is the , please? It’s next to the .

3.What are you going to do ? I’m going to buy a book.

4.What’s your ? I like_ stories.

5.What he do? He’s a .


四、 请你工整、清晰的在四线三格上抄写下面这段英文。(共1小题,计5分)


A Happy Day

Last Sunday, I visited my grandmother. We listened to music and planted flowers. I counted the flowers. There were ten. Then I helped my grandmother cook lunch. When we finished, I washed the dishes and she cleaned the kitchen. It was fun.

五、 找出不同类的单词。(共5小题,每题1分,计5分)

( )1.A.coach B.father C.teacher D.cleaner

( ) 2.A.museum B.bookstore C.fisherman D.supermarket

( )3.A.bus B.foot C.plane D.subway

( )4.A.hiking B.swimming C.straight D.singing

( )5.A.angry B.sad C.happy D.feel

六、 按要求写出相应的词汇。(共5小题,每题2分,计10分)

1.fisherman(复数)__ 2.left(反义词)___

3.slow down(汉语意思) ___ 4.study(三单形式) ___


七、 选择最佳选项。(共10小题,每题1分,计10分)

( )1.Her mother is _______ .

A.a cleaner B.a teach C.an actor

( )2.My pen pal likes_______ .

A.drawing pictures B.rideing a bike C.collect stamps

( )3.The park is_______ the cinema.

A.in the front of B.next to C.near to

( )4.I usually go to school _______ .

A.by foot B.by the bus C.by bike

( )5.If you like science,you can_______ a scientist.

A.am B.is C.be D.are

( ) 6. Does he _______ hard at school?

A.works B.work C.to work D.working

( ) 7.Betty_______ singing songs,but I _______ dancing.

A.like;like B.likes;likes C.like;likes D.likes;like

( ) 8.I _______ an English book in the store this afternoon.

A.go to buy B.buy C.am going to buy

( )9.Remember the traffic rules. _______ at a yellow light.

A.Wait B.Stop C.Go

( ) 10.Miss Li is a _______.She works in an _______.

A.teacher;factory B.writer;office C.nurse;school D.singer;sea


1.Jane and her sister _______(like) swimming.

2.He sometimes _______(go) hiking on the weekend.

3.Listen! She _______(sing) in the room.

4.They_______(visit)their grandparents tomorrow.

5.She likes _______(dance).


( )1.What are you going to do this afternoon?

( )2.What does she do?

( )3.Does he like diving?

( )4.What’s your hobby?

( )5.Where does your mother work?

A.I’m going to buy an English book.

B.I like collecting stamps.

C.Yes,he does.

D.My mother works in a factory.

E.She is a driver.


1. should , a , deep , you , take , breath

2. a , take , trip, am , to , tomorrow ,I, going

3. he, violin, the, likes, playing

4.the , is , cat , with , angry , them

5.how , we , can , there , get


A. What does he do? B. Yes, he does.

C. No, he doesn’t. D. Who is that man?

E.Who is your father? F. He goes to school by car.

G. He goes to school by bus.


B:He’s my father.

A: ________________________________?

B: He’s a teacher.

A: Does he teach in our school?

B: ________________________. He teaches the class next to our classroom.

A: Does he teach you math?

B:________________________. But he teaches my sister. She’s in Class 1, Grade 4.

A:How does he go to school?

B: __________________________________. My sister and I go to school by his car together.

A: That’s great!


Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the USA. Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food . He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis(乒乓球)after class.

Wu Dong and Peter like making things. Now they are making a plane .They like flying planes on Sunday morning . Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other.

( ) 1. Wu Dong has an American friend .

( ) 2. They go to school from Monday to Friday .

( ) 3. They often fiy planes after class.

( ) 4. Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese .

( ) 5. Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them .


要求:寒假即将来临。以“My holiday”为题,写一写你的假期安排。




1.A:Excuse me.Where is the hospital?

B:It’s near the bookstore.

2. A:Turn right.

B: All right.

3.We are go to school on foot.

4.Go at a green light.

5.A:What are you going to do today?

B:I’m going to see a film.

6. A:What are you going to do ?

B: I’m going to buy a postcard.

7.A:What is she hobby?

B:She likes singing.

8.A:What are you doing ?

B:We are cooking Chinese food.

9.My mother is a police officer.

10.A:How do you go to work?

B:I go to work by air.


1. Excuse me, how can I go to the library, please?

2. Is the fruit shop far from here?

3. What does that young woman do?

4. When are you going to the bookstore?

5. Does your grandpa like doing kung fu?

答案:1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B. 5. C


1. How do you go to school? I go to school by train .

2. Where is the museum, please? It’s next to the supermarket .

3.What are you going to do tomorrow ? I’m going to buy a comic book.

4.What’s your hobby ? I like reading stories.

5.What does he do ? He’s a businessman.

答案:1. How train 2. museum supermarket 3. tomorrow comic

4. hobby reading 5. does businessman


四、 略

五、 找出不同类的单词。

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D


1. fishermen 2. right 3. 慢下来 4. studies 5. hobbies


1—5 A A B C C 6—10 B D C A B


1. like 2. goes 3. is singing 4. are going to visit 5.dancing


1. A 2. E 3. C 4. B 5.D


1. You should take a deep breath .

2. I am going to take a trip tomorrow .

3.He likes playing the violin .

4.The cat is angry with them .

5.How can we get there ?






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